During his weekly radio show, Alabama head coach Nick Saban explained why he hasn't gotten as angry on the sidelines as usual this year...

"Usually, one of my first prayers in church on Sunday is to pray that I don’t get mad, because a lot of times when I get mad, I do things that I wish I wouldn’t have done, I say things that I wish I wouldn’t have said, and I don’t make really good decisions and choices," Saban said, via Saturday Down South. "So, this has been a lifelong sort of goal to not get too emotional, not get too upset. I think that sometimes it’s the kind of team you have. Some guys really need you to get on them. Some guys get… a little upset, maybe, and don’t respond when you get on them. It bothers them a lot."

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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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JackieTreehorn25 months
That and being 71 years old.
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ChromaticTide25 months
In other words, modern players are complete primadonnas and their egos cant handle an arse chewing
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Sevensblue25 months
He’s getting tired...we get it
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cajunmud25 months
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SuperOcean25 months
Sometimes a dog cussing works too though ( to the tune of 7 Natty's) I honestly don't think Nick is a bad person because of the tirads on the sidelines. I think he's doing his job t's not "war" but it's a battle and you need to get players attention and convey significance
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TigerFan5555525 months
sounds like growth...
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