Favorite team:Indiana St.
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Registered on:8/14/2013
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We talking about removing phaseouts? Because frick a phaseout. You want to incentivize a behavior? Great. Just don't cutoff those of us that have done well. ...

re: So glad AB is on our side.

Posted by Jorts R Us on 7/26/24 at 2:33 pm
[quote]You sure that isn’t just another false media narrative you’ve been coaxed in to believing?[/quote] :lol: This alt has jumped the shark...
[quote]. I guarantee you Rara did this in Starkville just as much[/quote] And yet your staff brought him in. But hey, guys guys guys guys, get this...we arrested him. Accountability....
For some reason I've taken to following NC State a bit. ...

re: Find Your Team's Helmet

Posted by Jorts R Us on 7/25/24 at 5:33 am
Damn, that is...a collection. ...

re: Ben sasse

Posted by Jorts R Us on 7/25/24 at 5:29 am
Damn. Prayers for his wife and family. That is tough. ...

re: John Hevesy now works at Lowe's

Posted by Jorts R Us on 7/25/24 at 5:25 am
He's got a LinkedIn. It looks like he is doing this and home inspection on the side. My guess is he enjoys this line of work and it keeps him busy. One of those work in your passion kind of gigs. He made good money and I'm sure he's built a nice financial nest egg but he didn't get a frick you mo...
[quote]He was literally a score away from the championship game last year.[/quote] Yeah, they were what? A FG away from beating uga in 2022? Ohio State has probably been the most stable program of the last quarter century and that's with two coaching changes. They've had recent struggles agai...
As long as they don't shirk their responsibilities, what does it matter? ...
UF grad married to a UGA grad. It used to be fun......
[quote]not at all. Thats French[/quote] :lol: it's Italian. She says donna not femme like two seconds in......
:lol: That's a broad brush you're painting with. ...

re: No tax on tips

Posted by Jorts R Us on 7/19/24 at 5:19 am
[quote]I was already taxed on that money. They don’t need to be taxed too. Most servers are young people. The are going to put that back into the economy very quickly.[/quote] And your salary comes from already taxed dollars, so......

re: No tax on tips

Posted by Jorts R Us on 7/19/24 at 5:17 am
[quote]3. IRS audits these people at a higher percentage and had a higher percentage of fines simply because it hard to get right even if the earner isn’t trying to trying to hide anything. [/quote] We don't have the details on President Trump's proposal but Senator Cruz just introduced legislat...

re: No tax on tips

Posted by Jorts R Us on 7/18/24 at 10:38 pm
[quote]Why is it good?[/quote] I love how everybody is pretending to not understand what you're really getting at with your question. At least I hope they are pretending......
[quote]He's saying it looks dumb on a political discussion board[/quote] Cool. [quote]Do you want to ban threads making fun of leftists when they do dumb shite?[/quote] Who said anything about banning? It's funny--you like to whine when people do this to you and yet here you are......

re: Sunbelt Billy blaming cousin Eddie

Posted by Jorts R Us on 7/18/24 at 11:02 am
You guys are in for a rude awakening when he wins 4 hard-fought games this year. Watch out! That's like going undefeated with this schedule. ...
[quote]Registered Democrat until 2014[/quote] What other prominent figure on the ticket was a registered Democrat before they were a registered Republican? I can't quite put my finger on it... [quote]She scream left wing progressive.[/quote] Your post screams bias...