Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Red Stick via St James Parish
Number of Posts:5246
Registered on:1/1/2006
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next, a new hitting backdrop

An engineer who does work for LSU showed me the new batter's eye. It looks great. Picture the Astro's batters eye but with the block L S U letters in the ivy. Hopefully it is up by first pitch next year.

re: Pictures of Alex Box renovations?

Posted by LSUGoose on 1/30/25 at 7:03 am
I went into the new LSU bullpen on Monday night. It's really not bad at all. It does not look like it did in those early pics. It's been finished out fine. Players are good with it, although Guidry said it was a little cold (probably from the metal bleachers). There are plenty fans inside for w

re: Pictures of Alex Box renovations?

Posted by LSUGoose on 1/28/25 at 5:13 pm
It is more of an addition than a renovation. New visitor bullpen, new home bullpen, and new on-field seating areas. Nets now extend almost to foul polls. Nothing old has been renovated.

re: Baseball Coaches Committee Tidbits

Posted by LSUGoose on 1/28/25 at 6:42 am
JJ gave a lot of heart-felt information at Coaches Committee. He is very honest and gives long answers to all questions.

He had six new players there - Schmidt, Costello, Priester, Thompson, Rizy, and Ware. He talked about the recruiting path of each.

He talked to Schmidt daily and had

re: Baseball Coaches Committee Tidbits

Posted by LSUGoose on 1/28/25 at 6:29 am

WHITE is just as bad as COLORFUL , just a little less obnoxious.

How about NO FRICKING ADS on the outfield wall.

That's fine if you want to donate the money being lost by not having ads.

JJ mentioned at Coaches Committee that he likes the clean look too, but that money has n
When do we get Adams analysis?

For example there were a number of years under Mainieri where they only had 2-3 middle infielders, and everyone in the clubhouse knew who would play because of lack of competition.

PM made a one-week decision to start a pitcher (Helmers) at third base, and he led off the season wit

re: LSU Dog Names?

Posted by LSUGoose on 1/26/25 at 8:07 pm
I had a dog named Toby, after Toby Caston. LSU linebacker in the late 80 s
So Arrambide caught for both teams and Fernandez and Priester sat?

re: Baseball Tickets

Posted by LSUGoose on 1/26/25 at 8:31 am
Electronic are not loaded into accounts yet. Baseball is typically pretty late. Like within two weeks.

re: Concessions at baseball scrimmages?

Posted by LSUGoose on 1/25/25 at 3:30 pm
I saw Cane s and Chik fil A bags coming in today.
Advocate article says team will practice today and fly out this afternoon. I assume there is equipment at airport that can clear snow. Temps will move above freezing today. No clue about conditions in Columbia.
I'll be there. I have a son that lives in Frisco. Bought tickets for DBU and Frisco Classic.

Driving up from BR on Wednesday (2/26). DBU is all general admission tickets in the Rangers stadium (closed cover).

Have reserves tickets in Frisco Stadium (open cover) and club access for one day w

re: Frisco Classic - Baseball

Posted by LSUGoose on 1/9/25 at 9:01 pm
The area around The Star (Dallas Cowboys HQ) is pretty cool and has good restaurants. Legacy Hall is a giant food court at Legacy West. Scheels sporting goods at The Colony is worth a trip if you’ve never been.

re: Frisco Classic - Baseball

Posted by LSUGoose on 1/9/25 at 7:48 pm
Heading up from Red Stick for DBU and the three at Frisco. Club access is also available (for a fee). It was mighty cold for K State in Round Rock a few years back.

re: Season Tickets Decision

Posted by LSUGoose on 12/23/24 at 5:36 pm
Go with the lower row. I'm on Row 14 of Section 422. Pregame, the lines can get pretty slow going up. It's worth it to be able to get in and out a little quicker. On top of that, I sit on the aisle and can usually pee and get back without missing a play on longer time-outs (like end of quarters).

re: In-Season Hard Knocks: Chase/Burrow

Posted by LSUGoose on 12/4/24 at 7:08 am
Burrow buying a bat mobile.
I made the trip to Austin for the three game series a few years ago. Tickets were tight, and it was cold as ice on Sunday. Tigers got swept. UT fans were nice and stadium was ok. I'm not a fan of artificial turf fields. We stayed at Doubletree right by the stadium at a reasonable rate.
