Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Fyffe Alabama (Yeah the UFO place)
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Registered on:7/8/2013
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[quote] This has been a sort of different half-season for sure. I kind dug it though. Just wish the finale would've paid off a little more. Like I said, if this episode would've been last week's episode, it would be one of the top ones IMO. [/quote] If you go back and look actually each season ...
[quote] You and Coco have made your points. Both of you are equally at fault for ruining this thread. It can only be you two to stop it. You and Coco need to drop it. If you do, maybe, just maybe, the show can be discussed again. [/quote] I have been trying to discuss the show and move past ...
[quote] Dude, if you didn't ruin the thread for spoilers, you have certainly ruined it by popping in on every page starting the same argument; surely you see this. I have been reading this thread for 2 days and usually reasonably expect spoilers to a certain extent, but you have been posting the ...
[quote]based on the show alone, there is very, very, very little evidence of cannibals even existing in the world. Almost none. We know the people of Terminus are bad, obviously. [/quote] :rotflmao: No evidence of cannibals in the world? In zombie fiction? Cannibals were being talked a...
[quote]I still don't get how Terminus hasn't been overrun with walkers. They don't lock any gates and use gunfire to herd the people But whatever, I guess. Interested to see exactly what the frick they are doing there. [/quote] that would actually be a great deux ex machina to get them ou...
[quote]I know we're sort of past most of this, but I want to point out: quote: I wasn't the first or the last person to say "its cannibals" in this thread but it turned into personal attacks toward me over absolutely nothing. It's not for nothing...you've done this shite before, and we've had ...
[quote]Why would Gareth kidnap her and marry her in such a short time span? Or even "marry" her in the first place? [/quote] before the episode I mean because I was thinking religious cult. After all the Car that kidnapped her had a Cross crudely drawn on it. ...
I had thought the cliffhanger would be Beth being revealed as Gareth's brainwashed and crazy bride. ...
Saying "its cannibals" (and not being the first or last to say its obvious they are cannibals) and have the thread degenerate into personal attacks and y'all want me banned? :rotflmao:...
I said one thing that started all this BS. "Its cannibals". It wasn't a comic spoiler, it was what I was seeing with my eyes while watching the episode. It is no more a spoiler than this article. It explicitly calls them Cannibals and has nothing about comic spoilers. [link=(http://www.forb...
I don't get the hate for Roberts it was basically his version of a Switch in Time that saved Nine, removed the court from the political process, and put the repeal of Obamacare (under President Paul) as a simple tax bill they can pass with just 50 senate voters in 2017. ...
I don't blame the Hunters who could pass up a meal of Maggie, Rosita, Tara, and Sasha? I am tired of the f'ing witch hunt, 50 pages of bs because of one line? That only an idiot or someone being stubborn just to attack me could say was a spoiler. ...
His cure involves Rosita and Tara making out. And as someone said its a show about Zombies ie people that eat human flesh. ...
[quote]Exactly. He has played in garbage time his entire career when there is zero pressure to perform. He has not had the luxury of learning Alabama's offense like AJ and Ginger did, so expecting him to even win the starting job is a stretch, let alone lead the team to championships. Realistically,...
that would be funny "well we've found the cure but you have to eat people constantly or go crazy". Gimple did say Season 5 will have the theme of "Can we live with what we have to do to survive"...
[quote]why is that gut wrenching? you tend to be a little dramatic ive noticed. we have more qbs than we know what to do with on the roster, we have a monster of a QB from last class with better upside than anyone in the 2015 class already on campus and going through practice. how does a 2015 qb not...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iSU_ZbrkcA)]LINK[/link]...
and this might not come into play at all on the show, but the local southeastern indians would basically cook (but not eat) the bodies of their dead relatives. They were disturbed when the Conquistidors showed up at their villages and sampled the cooking...
Our last two inexperienced 1st year starters won national championships? ...