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Ever since Odumbfrick, the FBI has been nothing more than the DNC's Gestapo. The CIA is the DNC's Waffen SS....

re: New Orleans Metro Area demographics

Posted by MMauler on 7/26/24 at 4:30 pm
[quote]Dementia Joe (aka The Big Guy) is corrupt conman who dabbled in bribery and extortion selling out the United States to our biggest enemies through his Crackhead son/bagman.[/quote] FIFY! :thup: And up until 3 days ago you were all in on this beyond-fricking-corrupt, dementia-riddled, gro...
Every penny she has and every penny she ever makes should be taken from her and paid to [i]REAL[/i] African-Americans as REPARATIONS! Add Barry Odumbfrick as well....
[quote]the local gun store owner said to his auto mechanic (friends since high school), "You know what? She ain't so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody's rioting, and we're standing up on the world stage again. Can't believe I'm saying this but Ol' Oakland Kam's got my vote this year."[/quote] ...
The Virginia AG is Maga AF. He won’t need pressure from Youngkin....
[quote]Why wait? The main point isn't that Harris is awful (which she is).[/quote] Right now, she’s definitely the easiest Democrat to beat. Mainly because they would have to engage and much more MASSIVE frickING VOTER FRAUD to get her installed into the White House rather than someone like Big Mi...
You can fire the good old boy if he’s incompetent and can’t do the job. Try getting rid of a DEI hire. They’re hired knowing that they’re completely fricking incompetent. But then they're like herpes – you can never get rid of them. The Democrats are experiencing this right now. Do you really ...
If those numbers keep up, Kamala the Ho better be prepared..... [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ELIJO4MWkAkUY9N.jpg[/img]...
[quote] What a stupid question to ask about a former AG, DA of California and current VP of USA[/quote] Two of those she sucked and fricked her way into. The third job is absolute proof of the utter and complete fricking failure that is DEI....
Once again, the Joseph F. Goebbels Memorial Propaganda Wing of the DNC (Mainstream Media) wants you to believe their propagandist bullshite rather than you’re lying eyes....
[quote]She’s qualified to run a train.[/quote] Not quite. She's more qualified to have a train run on her....
He's never done a REAL press conference....
[quote]Hell yea. Keep these things rolling[/quote] Yeah, but let’s do it after she is officially named as the nominee. Whether that’s before the convention or during the convention. This bitch is one of the most insane, far left us, fricking nut jobs on the planet. And she has too many public stat...
Just imagine how utterly fricking retarded someone would have to be in order to believe that. In other words, a fricking Democrat....
Roto-Rooter IRS audit of the entire Corrupt Biden Family Crime Syndicate. Make sure Crackhead Hunter can't get his hands on a dime of that bribe/extortion....
[quote]a CNN political-data reporter, said[/quote] Seriously, how fricking stupid would someone need to be to believe this fricking garbage?...
[b]V[/b]oice[b]O[/b]f[b]R[/b]etardation, [b]S[/b]lo[b]F[/b]ucking[b]P[/b]isshead, TexChildDiddler, etc....
They're crying because Dementia Joe just exposed them as the lying no-good pieces of pure frickING FILTH that we all knew they've always been....