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Registered on:12/11/2005
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[quote]So what’s the excuse for what we see in today’s fast food world?[/quote] The fast food places that keep it simple are still efficient with minimal mistakes. What’s your point?...
All they made was pizza with five topping options. Pretty hard to frick that up....
[quote]Tiger had 177 events I think Scheff's 117 makes it comparable even with inflated purses.[/quote] Not even close. Tiger won $297k in his first tour victory. Scottie won $1.5m. [img]https://golfdigest.sports.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/golfdigest/fullset/2020/06/Tiger-first-winners-c...
Jealousy. Next question...
[quote]Dimon, head of the nation’s largest bank, acknowledged in his 61-page letter[/quote] ...that was written by a bunch of staffers and signed by him....

re: Brian Kelly Kisses The Ring

Posted by TheChosenOne on 4/6/24 at 7:06 pm
Thought his answer was fine. He said normally we’re not out there, but if the AD says to be out there, they will be....
[quote]First sassy QB in NFL history?[/quote] [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/3s6kkm5_CALDB9qTjxOVIPNSqwY=/0x0:1536x2048/1200x0/filters:focal(0x0:1536x2048):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19197031/Image_from_iOS__1_.jpg[/img]...
You can watch all three at the same time with multicast with ESPN+....
Dude can mash. Hard to believe he redshirted his first year. ...

re: Jalen Courtney

Posted by TheChosenOne on 3/23/24 at 5:33 am
Eddie Ludwig...

re: LSU 5 @ Miss State 15 Final

Posted by TheChosenOne on 3/17/24 at 1:48 pm
Jay talking shite back to the State dugout....

re: LSU 5 @ Miss State 15 Final

Posted by TheChosenOne on 3/17/24 at 1:07 pm
[quote]If that’s the zone…dude.[/quote] I just hope Tatch gets that same call below the knees....
Jay said a couple weeks ago that he isn’t really aiming to have a closer. He wants to use his best high leverage guys wherever necessary during the weekend. That could be the 9th inning or it could be 7th inning, up 1 with two outs and the bases loaded....
He’s making this look too easy as a FR. What a stud....
Pitcher got squeezed on a couple pitches before that. One probably should have been a strike, another was borderline and a little low. Surprised he didn’t get tossed with how long he was bitching. ...

re: Edison Hotel/Times Square

Posted by TheChosenOne on 3/15/24 at 10:34 pm
I’ve never stayed there but if you do, get a table one night at Friedman’s in the lobby for the Gayle’s Broadway Rose show. It’s like Ellen’s Stardust with aspiring Broadway singers as servers, but the food is better and you don’t have to wait in line....
[quote]Jesus Christ! in left center, you'd have to hit one clean out of the stadium today to equal a wall scraper in old Yankee Stadium[/quote] :lol: That's incredible. Thanks for putting these together. Been fun to browse through....
What a great launch. Awesome shite. Can’t wait for the news articles: “Starship launch ends in booster landing failure that startles endangered whales”...
[quote]External audits of financial statements of trillion and billion dollar companies are largely worked on by 23 year old kids fresh out of college[/quote] Same goes for laws passed by Congress. They’re drafted by a bunch of mid-20’s kids, tweaked by senior staffers, and rarely read by members o...
[quote]one point he would have been at 2nd base throwing to home[/quote] Trying to remember pythagorean theorem from middle school algebra to calculate this distance. [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaHZxa2o5Nmd2dnlma2JtMDBreGp1NWZua2wwa3RzN3V0NmpjeDRpdSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hb...