Favorite team:Kentucky 
Location:Lexington, KY
Number of Posts:41980
Registered on:12/1/2005
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[quote]jamespatterson[/quote] Are you a cuck?...

re: Rara Thomas arrested

Posted by WildcatMike on 7/26/24 at 8:32 am
Good night, Athens has an issue with their football players. Kirby needs to get tougher on them. ...
[link=(https://www.on3.com/teams/kentucky-wildcats/news/kentucky-wildcats-paris-olympics-viewing-guide-how-to-watch-schedule/)]Kentucky Athletes in Paris[/link] Majority of them will dominate in track and field, fencing, volleyball and the basketball court. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/G...

re: Is he swallowing marbles?

Posted by WildcatMike on 7/24/24 at 7:12 pm
He looks terrible. ...

Is he swallowing marbles?

Posted by WildcatMike on 7/24/24 at 7:11 pm
WTF is that sound he makes?...
[quote]I wrongfully assumed that this just happened[/quote] You think? [quote]commented on on how good his injury healed[/quote] No, you were being the lib you are and thought Trump’s ear injury was all staged. Nice try. ...
[img]https://people.com/thmb/iyUoGlG_r0-CpwnoFrFeJHwt1P8=/750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(726x323:728x325)/halle-berry-with-cats-072324-1-2ee0b9297e1d46698232be6516df0e18.jpg[/img] It’s not that hard, baw!...
[quote] Harlan County USA[/quote] Dude. :casty:...
[quote]Clark14[/quote] You thought you got em…didn’t you? Lulz...
I could had won the governorship over Bevin and Cameron. Andy is a spoiled brat that was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. ...
[quote]The guy who overcame a childhood of extreme poverty, a broken home, and a family marred by opioid abuse is a heck of a lot more relatable than the guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth and a father who was a high-profile politician. Andy is what Kentuckians call privileged.[/quote] ...
[quote]My call would be to Beshear[/quote] Would get smoked in the election by Trump and Vance in Kentucky....
JD Vance is more Kentuckian than ol’ Andy. Andy came from privileged…and Wildcat is right, if he runs with Harris, he would get trounced by Trump in Kentucky. ...

re: Salma Hayek is 57 years old!

Posted by WildcatMike on 7/22/24 at 11:03 am
[quote]genetics are a winning combination[/quote] This. ...

Salma Hayek is 57 years old!

Posted by WildcatMike on 7/22/24 at 10:59 am

Gen Z reaction to the news yesterday

Posted by WildcatMike on 7/22/24 at 6:36 am
[embed]https://twitter.com/CabelloAuden/status/1815212738068570323/video/1[/embed] WTF...