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Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Number of Posts:13843
Registered on:1/28/2013
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re: Trains & aTm baseball..

Posted by WhiskerBiscuitSlayer on 5/17/24 at 5:04 pm
They’re talking about it again....
Sorry for your loss Scrooster. Thanks for sharing....
He is a grad and watched them win that title and is very much still alive ...
So my grandfather, born in 1931, class of ‘53, was not alive when we won? That’ll be news to him....
[quote]Right now your topics are an infectious disease.[/quote] You’re not wrong. ...

re: GMT

Posted by WhiskerBiscuitSlayer on 3/3/24 at 5:28 am
:gmt: Good morning to everyone. :nana:...

re: GMT

Posted by WhiskerBiscuitSlayer on 1/23/24 at 4:57 am
:gmt: Morning yall...

re: Remember Boss Hogg?

Posted by WhiskerBiscuitSlayer on 1/15/24 at 8:00 am
[quote]There's a handful of polyglots on youtube that have interesting channels/content, mostly filled with surprising people overseas or at international food/craft markets with their fluency in multiple languages. One guy is up to 30 languages.[/quote] Xiaoma? He’s great. I used to watch that b...
[quote]I’m even tired of all the trolling directed toward you guys.[/quote] We’re not, keep that shite coming :bird:...
Let’s revisit this thought in 5 years....
[quote]Was probably AggieHank[/quote] Confirmed....