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Location:Lake Charles
Biography:I enjoy all aspects of the outdoors including hunting, fishing, hiking and sports
Interests:Hunting, fishing, sports, history and politics
Occupation:Satellite Analyst and Bigfoot Researcher
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Registered on:12/10/2012
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Whether we think our taxes should pay for the homeless and “hunger” (I still don’t understand the term) or not, the Uke funds could have covered it.

But we are told Putin is most evil and must be stopped. Damn the homeless veterans and poor people who are actually trying to better

the notice of a civil fine sent to a registered owner of the vehicle

Debbie Downer.
That was not me driving dipshite.
Is it my fault the shotgun I loaned to my brother killed too many ducks? :lol:

How do you fix California?


Bing Videos Link.

Lyrics for those who do not know.

Some say the end is near
Some say we'll see Armage
[quote]There's no doubt that it was planned. The million dollar question pertains to who all was involved.

3 things I will always remember:

1) Multiple networks that had not carried a Trump rally all year were carrying that rally live.

2) Multiple rally attendees tried to point out the susp

and they have no proof you received the notice.

What notice? :cheers:

I had heard on the news that the airplane that was landing had landing equipment failure and lost a wheel causing it to veer into the Gulfstream on the ground.


I sure hope Trump is all out of bubble gum.

After what has happened to him, his family and friends?

Yeah. He's out of bubblegum and ready to kick arse. :usa:

He has openly admitted to being Schizophrenic and that he is no longer going to take any medications for it.

He needs help

Maybe Scientology can help him without the meds.
Or maybe not.

Was Razzle in the plane with him?

Dude, that's going on the Way Back Time Machine.

Prayers for whoever was killed but damn, how does this happen?

Fake news-- don't fall for it

Says the dude who fell for every fake news accusation about PDJT. :lol:

No, I am not falling for it.

But some people fricked up somewhere and we have not yet learned whether it was just incompetence or accidentally on purpose.


[ ON ] - OFF


It would not surprise me, yet it would surprise me that anyone other than a very few select people would know.

IIRC, wasn't Dr. Jill and Big Mike? doing speeches in Penn. that weekend?
That would drastically thin the SS personnel needed

Eric B & Rakim
Digital Underground
De la Soul
Grandmaster Flash

There was tons of great rap back in the day.

Yes sir. Good shite even when I was more into the Metal stuff.
That crap at halftime was terrible.

play it backwards

:lol: Maybe it would make more sense to 80% of America.

What ever old man

Lip Synching? So talented. :rolleyes:

They tell you who they really are.

Reminds me of a few posters on here. :rolleyes:

Martha’s Vineyard.

Mahtha's Vineyard got them out with extreme prejudice. NIMBY :lol:

DOGE will install AI to root out fake SS numbers to stop theft of social servicesby

Wasn’t Barry O some weird number like from 1917? Was that another Conspiracy Theory?

That is not how it works. She was out of the country for to long for that to apply.

I did not know this. I was of indefatigable's view.

I will check it out.

Notice I didn't ask you to spoon-feed me. I will research it. :cheers:

These states must love wasting resources on boondoggle investigations.

:rotflmao: Georgia, DC and New York enter the Chat. :rolleyes:

Now put your mask back on, stay 6' feet away from anyone and get your booster, comrade.

It’s good to have a majority, but the fact that it’s anywhere close to 50/50 shows how F’d up our country is.

The uninformed normies only watching MSM Propaganda will take time to come around. Anyone who is not disgusted with this is just a lost and brainwashed zombie.