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Location:Atlanta, GA
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Registered on:12/10/2012
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re: Facts are stubborn things

Posted by Broadside Bob on 7/25/24 at 7:40 am
[quote]Illegal crossings today are now lower than when Trump was in office.[/quote] Well when you're counting with your eyes closed......
[quote]maybe if it's a hologram[/quote] IRL, he's little more than this now....
[quote] Not long. They can’t afford for him to go on the fritz again on national tv like he did in the debate. That would force him out now.[/quote] Bad for him, but probably better for his team...makes Kamala harder to beat....
First, I know how I'm going to vote, and hint, it's not Kamala or RFK, Jr, and I was never going to be a Biden voter. I was convinced that Mittens was about to wipe the floor with Obama in 2012; ever since I've become very wary of getting caught in my own echo chamber. I'm hopeful, but I have no i...
Regardless of what you think of LeBron or any other athlete on the team, it sure would be a nice gesture to defer the honor to someone in a lesser followed sport who is making little to no money as an athlete...would be one of the highest highs of his/her life. It's not like LeBron needs the recogn...
MSM media has not fallen in line behind her yet. Just wait. We need to be playing like we're halfway through the fourth quarter and down by three touchdowns. Don't be counting your polls just yet....
[quote] Dude have you heard what comes out of her mouth? lol[/quote] The questions is "have we" but "have the swing voters?"...
[quote]quote: Hope you're being sarcastic. Yes, geeze [/quote] Thanks. Very relieved. There are people (but not many on TD/SEC Rant) who would buy into that....
Movie was just about perfect. What's the point in remaking as a TV show?...
[quote]She is a hero. Thanks so much for protecting our leaders but more importantly thanks for making your organization more diverse and inclusive. Keep up the good work![/quote] Hope you're being sarcastic....
[quote] Good point, can any of you guys blame the Democrats for ditching Biden? You all know how terrible he is. If the tables were turned Republicans would do the same thing.[/quote] I don't blame them for ditching him. I blame them for concealing his dementia for so long. And if he ain't f...
[quote] I demand that he resigns when he drops out. Hand over power to his vice president and let her run on her record between now and November. If he's incapable of being president for four more years why in the hell should we trust him to continue being president for one more minute? That's t...
[quote] Whoever replaces him has an even less of a chance.[/quote] I disagree. Joe is clearly a dead man walking with as close to a zero chance as is possible. By definition, most anyone else will have a greater chance. And don't underestimate the power of the mainstream media once they start...
For one, what's goes up must come down....
[quote]He did not think the sniper needed permission to shoot but he (my SIL) is not a uniformed agent. [/quote] I've been assuming they have specific predetermined (and likely standing) rules of engagement. I would doubt the SS is going to share their specific ROE as it is likely a closely gua...
[quote] Looks like they aren't giving Trump the best agents, folks.[/quote] I don't disagree, but I have read that the pay and working conditions at the USSS are pretty bad. Not something, the best, of the best, of the best will apply for....

re: Thought experiment

Posted by Broadside Bob on 7/11/24 at 2:33 pm
[quote]It's a sour note to suggest something other than what the genius founding fathers created.[/quote] I think the point of my post has been misunderstood. I am not "suggesting" abolishing the electoral college. My point/question was that that I'm wondering if the largest percentage of peopl...

Thought experiment

Posted by Broadside Bob on 7/11/24 at 1:09 pm
Let's assume there's no two party system, though it's still well known who is liberal and who is conservative, and the President will be determined by the national popular vote (I am not suggesting abolishing the electoral college). Anyone who might be considered part of the "national political sce...