Favorite team:Florida State 
Number of Posts:3420
Registered on:12/4/2012
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re: Joe needs to get back in the race!

Posted by hottub on 7/26/24 at 9:03 am
Why did Trump debate before he was the official nominee? Is that common?...
Andy goes which ever way the national polls tell him to go. No real backbone and really has no power in Kentucky because of the super majority in the legislature. Most of his political stances have been to appeal to the national democrats with hopes of a 2028 POTUS run. His vetoes have been overridd...
What she did as AG of CA should be blasted throughout the black community multiple times a day. ...

re: First poll out: Trump +8 over Harris

Posted by hottub on 7/22/24 at 11:59 am
[quote]The polls in the battleground states are what’s important[/quote] That’s why every state should go to the Maine/Nebraska model. Every state should matter to some extent. ...

re: What happened to Minnesota?

Posted by hottub on 7/19/24 at 6:00 pm
Mondale barely won his home state Minnesota in ‘84. That ‘84 election was an arse whooping of epic proportions. The crazy part is the GOP lost Senate seats and the House Dems still had a 70 seat majority after the ‘84 election. ...
“if ACC survives” are the key words in that post. If the ACC dissolves, one of them will pick us up. ...
Dana White, comedians, and people like Amber Rose will win over enough Gen Zers for DJT. ...
No Polling data shows crime is one of the top issues this election. ...
The Spider-Man pointing meme always comes to mind when the fiscal reality hits the fan. Who owes who will be the big question. Sadly I think people like us will get fricked. ...

re: Blue Angels Pensacola July 13

Posted by hottub on 7/3/24 at 11:38 pm
[quote]Blue angels suck…thunderbirds are where it’s at![/quote] Did you know the Blue Angels were grounded during CV19 but not the Thunderbirds because the Thunderbirds never get closer than 6 feet from each other. Lame joke but there is always a little truth in a joke. ...
I worked at a firework stand in the panhandle in high school. An attorney owned it and was told he bought 75k worth every year and between the Christmas, NYE, and 4th holidays he cleared 200k off the 75k. That’s 20 year data. ...
Dude you have a night at home by yourself. I wouldn’t leave the house. Find some old movies that you love and set up shop in your undies!!! I go to movies solo a lot during the week after the kids go to bed. Usually one of 4 people in the theater. ...
My statement had nothing to do with fighters or the pacific. We don’t need Cold War era bomber fleets. We have the technology to optimize a smaller bomber fleet. WRT the pacific, a carrier with a a few tankers can cover a lot of territory. ...
How about just getting rid of the current public schools model all together? ...

re: Louisiana 1900 vs Minnesota 1900

Posted by hottub on 6/26/24 at 9:39 pm
[quote]I feel like having to lug water from a well to take a bath in the freezing cold or having to sit in an outhouse in below freezing temps would be tough though.[/quote] Better than taking a bath and immediately sweating my arse off after getting out. I grew up in the Panhandle of FL. I di...
[quote]Has there been any recent military aviation announcements for new aircraft in those 27 years? [/quote] WRT Bombers, not really. We can now use a F-35 sitting in an orbit data linked to 15 UAVs. Bombers still have their place but with GPS and laser guided technologies, we don’t need ...
We’ve known about it for 27 years. Technology is closer to 50 years old now. ...

re: Louisiana 1900 vs Minnesota 1900

Posted by hottub on 6/26/24 at 7:02 pm
Minnesota. Nice fire and a couple ladies can keep me warm!!...

re: Found my dad’s Starter jacket

Posted by hottub on 6/26/24 at 6:55 pm
We are the same age. My old man had the same jacket but FSU. I was living in Maryland when he passed unexpectedly. By the time I made it back home, a dipshit uncle and cousin had raided his closet and I have never seen it again. Great find!!!!...
What’s crazy to me is that Boston has won at least one in every major sport in the last 15 years. Being a Boston sports fan the last 25 years must be great. 13 total pro championships in 25 years. ...