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Location:Asheville, NC
Number of Posts:2338
Registered on:11/27/2012
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[quote]The fact that he lied about being the top chief science officer at Pfizer is the first big red flag.[/quote] He was the CSO of the division that is directly responsible for respiratory disease. Seems pretty cogent, no?...
[quote]Here is the Oxford Dictionary definition of vaccine: "A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen with...
[quote]Yes, Trump is full of shite.[/quote] What's the over-under on the amount of dicks you need to eat? ...
This is a dumb take. He took a retarded, sad, ineffectual republican party and gave them an identity. He is the literally the only reason that the rep party has any chance to fight against the bullshite artists on the left....

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 9:46 pm
[quote]I don't disagree with this. I simply support the vaccine, the one Trump pushed for and dems said wouldn't be available until this summer.[/quote] I'm with you. I love that he got it done. I just don't want it and think that people should be able to choose to not have it. ...

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 9:40 pm
[quote]I don't disagree with this. I simply support the vaccine, the one Trump pushed for and dems said wouldn't be available until this summer.[/quote] I supported Trump in his foreign policy, but I don't think his interpretation of everything is important. For instance, his love of a vaccine th...

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 9:29 pm
[quote]Projection much? You were the one who suddenly brought up the economy.[/quote] You are tiring. The CDC is cherry picking stats (the kindest interpretation. a thinking man would say their entire spiel is a fraud). 90% of the population doesn't need the *vaccine* at all. The 10% that do shou...
[quote]You have no idea what you are talking about.[/quote] No. I actually do. What the entire world is injecting into their bodies is still largely experimental and largely unnecessary for all but the oldest, frailest people. All facts. I do appreciate your activism though. Nice job....

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 9:10 pm
BTW, it is kind of ridiculous how posts that make valid points that go against the *prevailing wisdom* are anchored on TD. Be better TD....

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 8:57 pm
[quote]Why are you shifting to the economy now?[/quote] Stop being a goal-post moving bitch. Seriously, you should at least aspire to be better than that. You throw out anecdotal evidence and I pointed out that it is bullshite. One guy died but you demand that the rest of the world continue to suf...

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 8:51 pm
[quote]The numbers I provided are not anecdotal. [/quote] Attempting to prove a point by cherry picking some guy (don't care if he was *an elected official*) as a realistic and representative example of the reality of the danger of covid is both disingenuous and misleading. A guy died. 99.9% ...

re: Rank the lite beers

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 8:47 pm
Yuengling Lite Coors Lite Milwaukee's Best Miller Lite Unfiltered horse piss Bud Lite...

re: Why dancing is magical

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 8:45 pm
How many gummies did you eat?...

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 8:40 pm
[quote]Tell that to Luke Letlow and the 33,000 under 54 who have died from it. That dwarfs any suspected vaccine deaths.[/quote] I don't know what stats you are quoting (I never do with these lobs over the fence) but if that is the stats in America then that equates to a death rate of 0.000103125...

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 8:30 pm
Everything that occurs on the internet is driven by the social influence phenomenon. It is the newest, stupidest science where people that do not actually know anything about the facts can reference some special interest hack and negate your opinion while claiming an easy victory... Anyway, go wi...

re: Best Beer For Cutting Grass

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 8:26 pm
I dig a Leinenkugel but that's a heavy beer. It's like eating a sandwich. Give me a watery light beer in the heat. ...

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 8:14 pm
[quote]No they can't. It's going to alter your DNA and stuff and then the nanobots will take over and report your health status to Bill Gates. [/quote] It is- in fact- untested in the scope of corona virus and- in fact- utilizes a spike protein strategy which- obviously- has not worked for every...

re: Proof here CDC manipulating numbers?

Posted by stickly on 5/25/21 at 7:53 pm
Good luck with this thread. I'm sure that everyone will agree. JK, here come the pro-vaccine trolls......
I was in management at a private equity firm that fully owned several pharma companies. We built and sold pharma companies around pharmaceuticals. We got in to early round investing (controlling interest) in promising candidates and took several of them public. The value of our portfolio of products...
[quote]as I said, take none at all.[/quote] Finally, we agree on something....