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re: USMNT Coaching Search

Posted by reggierayreb on 7/26/24 at 11:14 pm
Surely some info will begin to leak this weekend about the candidates and their interviews :USA:...
My grandpa cheated on my grandma while they were high school sweethearts. He knocked up some woman whose brother killed some poor widower with like 6 kids in a car accident back in the 1930s. ...

re: ESPN GameDay Stats...........

Posted by reggierayreb on 7/25/24 at 11:16 pm
Wiki search [quote]Illinois, Maryland, Rutgers, Syracuse, Virginia and California have never hosted College GameDay since the broadcast's inception in 1993.[/quote]...
[quote]black licorice[/quote] Came to post this ...
[img]https://images.dailycaller.com/image/width=1280,height=549,fit=cover,f=auto/https://cdn01.dailycaller.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Screen-Shot-2024-07-24-at-2.15.39-PM-e1721845017521.png[/img] 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 :pimp:...
In the summer of 2020 a starter home in Germantown/Collierville TN was $280-350k depending on how much space you needed for your family. By November of 2020 that number was $375-450k due to all the cash offers being thrown around by investment firms. It's probably higher now but so man...
[quote]What's the economic impact of spending all this money up front, to not spend on tariffs down the road? Are the tariffs that prohibitive, or is it a zero sum game meant to maximize tax losses in the current year?[/quote] I have wondered the same thing but you'd need really good data to be...

re: Find Your Team's Helmet

Posted by reggierayreb on 7/25/24 at 10:04 am
Post is RAd You can't post a photo of another poster and Jrv2damac is the only Kansas football fan on earth so that has to be him. ...
I'd rather sit by that dog than the last 4 or 5 people I've flown next to :cheers:...
You are 100% correct. American consumers are using their Credit Cards way too much and that debt is ballooning out of control. It certainly is aiding demand cause from the outside it looks like consumer confidence and their amount of purchases are high. Americans really like to have things that ...
I work in Supply Chain. The increase in US import volumes and all this 'demand' is not due to the economy thriving at all. It is all due to uncertainty. There is a Federal Election in November and since Trump is currently the Odds on favorite to win that means there will be significant tariffs in...
Isn't Kentucky Basketball cheerleading supposed to the pinnacle of college cheerleading ? I know it was that way back in the 90s but I guess their cheer coach could've been hired away ? I feel like that's something Florida would do if their cheerleaders sucked. ...
That was similar to the time in 10th grade where my classmate Vernell got called up to the front during AC English to give a brief synopsis on 'Candle in the Wind.' The final chapter of The Once and Future King. He basically rambled on about the parts he remembered from Disney's 'The Sword and the...

re: Does any VP help Kamala?

Posted by reggierayreb on 7/24/24 at 2:07 pm
Now that it's been over a week and the shine is wearing off people are starting to realize this woman is a sacrificial lamb and the goal is to shift $ away from the Presidential race and into other races down the ballot that are close. The polling #s are just going to get worse and worse with Indep...
Well shite. I, for one, always knew deep down that Kamala was also a threat to our Democracy. :usa: Anywho, please turn those TV cameras to stage left. Ladies and gentleman I'd like to introduce you to the [i]new [/i] Savior of our great nation, Mayor Pete !!!!!1!!1!!!!1! ...
[quote]Number of Posts: 136 Registered on: 10/21/2021[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/-lFxNI2gjGwAAAAC/conor-mc-gregor-who-the-fook-is-that-guy.gif[/img] ...
[quote]James Patterson[/quote] [img]https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcDFtYWRjaXg5cjJmemp3YTlhaG05NnQwcHM4b3VlajNyZ3pzejFjbiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/WRp58hy5gmfjpMzHAZ/giphy.gif[/img]...
I was thinking about surprising the wife and kids and taking them. Go stay in Charleston/Folly Beach then drive up to Georgetown and Pawley's Island just before we send them back to school. It's just gonna be so damn hot in that stadium. ...
[quote]I've never had a bad meal at Waffle House.[/quote] That makes one of us Maybe try lunch at Central Station Grill. It's supposed to be good. Plenty of Sonics too so if picking a fight is your thing Oktibbeha County is the place for you. :cheers:...
Kelly made it to ATL in year 1. A huge turnaround from the previous season and staff. LSU will give him his 5 years. But if he hasn't made the playoff after 5 years (I think he will, maybe multiple times) his contract will not be renewed. But if you're coaching LSU football and in years 3, 4 and ...