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Registered on:10/4/2005
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I will say that there is some valid reasoning behind your ideas. For example, I’ve always found that many members of organized labor were more religious and socially conservative on a lot of issues that didn’t fit in with the Democratic Party. By the same token, many traditional Republican econ...
[quote]So daddy govt decides what’s “good and bad” right JD? frick what an idiot. He is like all of the Republicans now just a wolf in sheep’s clothing. They all want to be daddy govt[/quote] I make the point all the time about the irony of Trump using the term “RINO”. He is a lifelong Democra...
[quote]his grandfather was a criminal and immigrant,[/quote] [quote] Bet you also love that open border with all of the criminal immigrants, don't you chief?[/quote] No, I don’t. And please show me anywhere that I say that I do. FWIW, I think our border policy is terrible and needs to be f...
[quote]What’s the point of this? Trump’s grandfather was a German draft dodger who came to the US as an (oh no!) immigrant and was a conman who dabbled in illegal gambling and prostitution. So what.[/quote] [quote]So not a plantation owner and human trafficker?[/quote] Prostitution is, in th...
[quote]When faced with facts, they love to drift off into "whatabouts" rather than admit the truth, her total dei/blm platform just went up in smoke.[/quote] So by your logic, Trump’s total “criminal illegal immigrants coming to the US and committing more crimes” platform goes up in smoke too. ...
[quote]You are incomprehensibly [b] ignorant[/b] And moving isn't draft dodging - he left forever - dolt.[/quote] [quote]In 1901, Trump returned to Kallstadt and married Elisabeth Christ. As he had purportedly immigrated to the United States in order to evade conscription, the Bavarian Gover...
[quote]I always fake out homeless people with gospel tracts that look like a 100 bill[/quote] I was at a gun show a few months back and some idiot not only dropped these all over the floor, but set them on people’s display tables. PITA when you’re trying to conduct business and catch one of the...
[quote]It’s a joke. Calm down[/quote] I’ll take your word that YOU were joking, as it makes sense you meant to facetiously say that he was attempting to censor the board. But the reality of the Political board, and specifically the MAGA aligned folks, is that any time you say anything they s...
Prayers for him. frick cancer....
[quote]Most of us understand what you're saying, but are in agreement that it's stupid. Just take the L and move on.[/quote] I’m glad that you see my point. in response to your advice to me to “take the L and move on” - I’ll agree maybe this exact point isn’t the hill to die on. My counter ...
[quote]German draft dodger[/quote] [quote]Wow, imagine thinking this is a negative.[/quote] Imagine being so ignorant of history/math/biology that you think this was during WWII....
[quote]So he refused to enlist in the Nazi military?[/quote] [quote]On October 7, 1885, Friedrich Trump, a 16-year-old German barber, bought a one-way ticket for America, escaping three years of compulsory German military service. He had been a sickly child, unsuited to hard labor, and feared t...
[quote]Not wanting to fight for Germany in either world war was a positive because they opposed the US in both wars. Try again[/quote] Yes, but it was still a criminal act in Germany. Which meant that Trump’s grandfather was a criminal running from prosecution in his country of origin who emigra...
[quote]Groomer is too stupid to realize he kills two narratives that his team pushes with this attempt at a gotcha.[/quote] Such fascinating behavior by the [i]magatis politardious[/i] when faced with an opinion that doesn’t fully align with its own, as an instinctive defense mechanism reverts to...
[quote]People are pointing out the blatant hypocrisy, you dolt[/quote] As was I, sir....
[quote]It blows me away that the very rich and smart donors behind her said let's run a Democrat candidate that couldn't even get 1% of the vote in the DNC primary. Yeah, that's the formula. [/quote] It makes logical sense that, as the vice president, she would be [i]a candidate [/i] when Biden ...
What’s the point of this? Trump’s grandfather was a German draft dodger who came to the US as an (oh no!) immigrant and was a conman who dabbled in illegal gambling and prostitution. So what. ...
[quote]If K gets in, serious downturn imminent! Be prepared.[/quote] I had an aunt and uncle who believed this same thing about when Biden was elected, and it did not work out very well for them. Different statistical measures may slightly favor one party over the other when it comes to the st...
I wish a buck was still silver. It was back when the country was strong. ...
[quote]TejasHorn 7/26/24 at 6:38 am to BabyTac The poli board is a MAGA cheer board. It’s not really a place to ‘debate policy’ or whatnot. That’s why you see some occasionally legit topics for discussion on the OT or money board etc.[/quote] [quote]by tigersownall Okay commie[/quote] This ...