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Registered on:9/28/2005
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This is so bad, just more proof it really isn’t about the sport anymore ...
Yeah. 100% a TD this is stupid...
someone give me the TLDR, what just happened. All I am seeing are melts...
I could hear the “Jesus is Lord” part. Can someone make it clearer?...
[quote]No way Joe will throw him under the bus [/quote] If he does, Joe would be over and be knows it...
[quote]I agree. I've watched em all and the today on PBD was the best. IMHO[/quote] Theo Von’s was the best by far. PBD’s was also really good. ...
[quote]I get a lot of my recommendations from you so I’m ready for my next one lol. Have you seen Bloodhounds? I was thinking of starting it next.[/quote] :lol: I've seen bloodhounds. It’s pretty good. Basically, it’s an 8 hour 80s action movie. :Nana:...
[quote]Gets great starting in Episode 4.[/quote] Just finished My Mister That was excellent ...
At this point, America is on the side of those armies trying to invade so I wouldn't be so quick to “accept” what’s coming and “wait” God deals with his own people first, before striking out against other nations and/or evil. American Christians use passages like this to encourage them to sit...
Perfect example to show you how Hollywood makeup can make almost anyone way hotter...
How many serial killers can one man stumble on in one precinct? After a while, Dexter became “Serial Killer She Wrote”...
Most low level workers these days have disdain for the large corporate conglomerates they work for thanks to decades of marxist indoctrination...
[quote]Don’t be a pussy. Just vote.[/quote] What does confirmed ballot harvesting in key districts combined fraud have to do we a person’s personal fortitude? What you should have said is “we all need to stop being pussies and actually fight to change state voting laws”...
[quote]The shower scene with Michael Biehn and Ed Harris is powerful! One of the best scenes in the entire movie.[/quote] Gay sex at its BEST...
[quote]Come again?[/quote] Data is only as good as the entry method It’s not difficult to understand Having worked in big data for 25 years, I laugh at people who blindly trust what’s “in their computers”...
[quote]Crazy how they are saying this thing made landfall as a Cat 3 and no where have we seen evidence of winds even at Cat 1 levels despite being over land for ~2 hours now.[/quote] This is what happens when all we have as evidence are computer models. Garbage in. Garbage out. ...
Some of those are overrated Any list that doesn't have the original Halloween in the top 10 is dumb...