Favorite team:LA-Lafayette 
Number of Posts:6906
Registered on:3/5/2012
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That dude was really good for Memphis last year and I was pissed we didn't sign him when we was on our G League team....
I'm not convinced any team wants BI even for zero compensation. His future salary and shot profile aren't winning basketball ...
As a father of girls, I would hope that I raise them well enough to not want to be some insta slut that hooks up with idiot athletes. Her father must be so disappointed....
[quote]I mean what good is having a gleague team if we aren’t going to try out the guys who play well? Guy averaged 18/8 at 50.4% with 2 blocks a game. There was also a time when nance was getting all the center minutes and I kept asking why we wouldn’t try out EJ. So it goes back a little bit for m...
But if BI plays like shite again, he's not going to get paid, so he should be motivated to play better and buy in hopefully....
Depth is much worse. Top 6 is better. Top 6 matters more, but may not show up until playoffs. I'll say it again. We go as far as Zion takes us. It's that simple. I spend more time arguing over mid level dudes like Ingram when really none of it matters unless Zion becomes a top 10 and reall...
First time there. Visting family that just moved. Did a ChatGPT search and seems like lots to do. But curious what others recommend most. Have two small children so long hikes are out unfortunately....
Only way that remotely works is if Murray gets back to Spurs defense Urray and Zion to Duke D, peak conditioning Pels Zion and Murphy improves on D. Lot to hope for and hope is not a viable plan....
[quote]This is extremely stupid. BI is still one of the 3 best players on this roster. Losing one of your best players is not addition by subtraction. [/quote] False. Zion Murray Herb BI...
If BI takes a last minute shot with Zion and Murray on the team I'll never watch another game. Dude is so unclutch ...
[quote]the emirates NBA cup? this is such a soccer rip off at this point [/quote] Never heard of the Emirates Cup so DGAF. Soccer lol ...
Drummond is probably even more immobile than Val and can't shoot for shite. Willie would hate him....
Jose is one of our winning players. Dude straight up turns games around. There are winning players like Herb, Jose, TJ McKinley, etc., and then there are stat whores (BI, jerami Grant, Kuzma, etc.) ...
[quote]Can we stop pretending Jose is a plus perimeter defender? Dude gets exposed by any guard with legit size/skill. [/quote] False. He is a good defender with some limitations against significantly bigger players. But his defensive rating is always good and he's a huge asset, especially i...
As it stands, I don't think you can. You just have to outscore people. Our perimeter D might be pretty decent with Herb, Murray, Jose. I would hope maybe we could limit 3s, but with almost 0 rim protection, we'll give up a ton of layups. Maybe we'll actually win the 3s vs 2s battle for once. ...
[quote]If there's any question about whether or not you're worth a 30% max anymore, you probably aren't.[/quote] Bingo I'm not scared at all about him walking. If he does, he does. It's like the NFL. Oh we have to pay this mid level QB big money because he's a QB. That's what gets you to 8...
I really don't think Herb is going to the bench. He's arguably our 2nd or 3rd best player and IMO has surpassed BI in the eyes of the staff/FO in terms of importance. I really think BI gets moved at some point before the season....
So far you have to be impressed with Murray. We lost a few dogs in Val and Naji but Murray should definitely add to our toughness. I think Murray and Herb have a chance to be a top 5 defensive G pair, which is huge when we'll be going against teams like Dallas. I don't have much faith in Wi...