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Ronaldo Burgundiaz

Favorite team:Arkansas 
Number of Posts:6667
Registered on:1/31/2012
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That garbage lost at the ballot box in November.

She reads 100s of books a year
This is another hilarious part to the whole thing. Bragging about how many books they read.

Aristotle? Homer? No, lol. Its books about being raped by a vampire.
They all do it. Its their version of porn. Its just socially acceptable.

Been going on for decades, too. I'd be willing to be if you went through your grandmother's book collection you would be shocked.

ETA: Read other posts and the book club thing is the most hilarious part. Imagine a bunch
20-30 years ago, when most of this board was in school, it might have been overrated.

However, now-a-days, I would strongly support my son joining one.

Throughout our society, there are very few male-only spaces or organizations that have not been obliterated by the powers that be.

re: Bloodbath Monday

Posted by Ronaldo Burgundiaz on 1/27/25 at 2:48 pm
"Market's down"

"What happened? China invade Taiwan?"

"No, China released a slightly more efficient chatbot"


TikTok has stated many times they will not be influenced by American left wing politics. Everybody is free to state their American political opinion on TikTok.

But…..can’t have that. China cares more about American freedom of speech than the left.
The only accurate post in this
OP may not be factually accurate, but he is spiritually accurate.

SEC is liquid doo-doo. Certainly seems like NIL is what will end up being what put an end to SEC dominance.

Tesla in particular seems to be abusing the system quite a lot. Paying nearly 40% lower salaries than the median. And hiring almost exclusively for jobs that needed zero experience.
The best part of this is Elon invoking Werner von Braun to defend his stance in H1Bs.

“I’m paying Ind
The H1B visa program exists to lower wages in the US. Maybe that was not the intention, but that is how it is used.

You can look up the H1B salaries for SpaceX and Tesla. I’d have more respect for Elon if he just told the truth about this. It’s such an obvious lie with the data available online.
I hope he does do this.

It would be the first legitimate use of our military in my lifetime.
We need to make a splash hire like UNC did + add in a 'General Manager' role to the AD.

If we aren't capable or willing to do this, just hang it up and give Sam a lifetime contract.
From the manifesto:


It's not even my fault though, it's everyone else's, it has to be theirs and not mine.


Biological female CONFIRMED
Given the obvious lack of tech literacy shown by the shooter, I actually believe the shooter is a biological female.

why? seems harmless.

Look I'm fully aware OP is trolling and is a massive faygot.

However, those types of videos are straight-up visual cancer. I wouldn't let my dog watch that garbage.
All other solutions listed in this thread are window dressing. Papercut bandages on a grenade wound.

The root cause of high healthcare costs is obesity. Its that simple.

Tie premiums and deductibles to body fat percentage. I can already hear people of size hemming and hawing. Simmer down, heft

Eating at a McDonalds in Pennsylvania several days later, still carrying the gun, a fake ID and a handwritten note railing against insurance companies?
Activation Word: Ronald McDonald

So he knew when he was going to get apprehended?
Read the second line I posted.

He set the video to post today and went to the McD's and caused a scene.

Posted an hour ago? Yeah, sure.
You are aware that you can set a video to publish at a certain time in the future.

I also read that he caused an 'incident' at that McDonalds he was caught at with his gun and manifesto in hand. He wanted to be caught.