Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Location:Cat Spring, Texas
Number of Posts:13165
Registered on:10/7/2011
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]running count of pussies in the food tournament:[/quote] [quote]Harry and his alters[/quote] ...
[quote]Corn with green onions and red peppers and black pepper[/quote] You are disqualifying breakfast tacos, but nominating this? Must be the new SECrant DEI program at work. ...
[quote]by Harry Rex Vonner[/quote] If you are questioning the submission of breakfast tacos, then this is a fraud and sham tournament. [img]https://y.yarn.co/d756a4f5-9b36-45ec-904d-98aebc3a4189_text.gif[/img] ...
Chicken fried venison. Rice and gravy. Breakfast tacos. ...
[quote]they’d defend him in a heartbea[/quote] No, they don’t. You also keep forgetting he wasn’t on the team then. Geez, you are low intelligence. ...
Your highly intelligent response reinforces our opinion of you and your ilk. ...
A simple team vote will take care of this. ...
Keep spewing your revisionist history, little guy. The folks that were alive during those times know what happened and how it went down. ...
This thread really shows the ignorance of Tex and OU posters coming into the SEC. I really would have liked for them to play a full division schedule instead of this Mickey Mouse crap we have coming up now. Teams aren’t going to get that full gauntlet of the division lineup where you come into a r...
[quote]idiots like you[/quote] He’s trolling your arse. No one with any intelligence believes these Tex posters rants. ...
[quote]Contra[/quote] Cool map. Thanks for posting. ...
[quote]Archibald[/quote] Keep trying too hard. ...
[quote]"Texas Aggies" as if the Agricultural & Maintenance part doesn't exist.[/quote] That’s still a correct term. Sorry you don’t like it, little guy. ...
[quote]24nights[/quote] Sounds like a roadtrip. You can get chicken salad, pimento cheese, and leidenheimer bread there. ...
[quote] I would’ve thought it was a blah hire. [/quote] 100% agree. ...
[img]https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhLwZjrPILMXkSrreKs3JlpW-1oA8hR_Wt1onk9ahzX9-Ee127FPhCZuUT0v7s_VcIDxgSdQpJTsI7ADJw1S4_XUlrH1S1IjQ7tJr4jzGczSFKgL2Vi-uPT_jxbuDZ0zmFK5hkUevFiFHS3ntMpQH03YafLXduZ0H8cwaJLDUXaSEqCeV61nXlKLz0qieRg/s640/who-red.gif[/img] You didn’t ask Capt...
Let’s hold judgement for a couple of years. If Kiffin pulls Elko’s pants down or he loses to Texas, the heat ratchets up quickly. ...
The ole Miss guy can’t understand. Water is wet. ...