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Registered on:9/29/2011
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They cheated last time and were not caught. They will try the same plan of running duplicate unmarked ballots to whatever number they need to win. If those swing states stop the count at the same time like last time and then produce just enough ballots to take the lead, you will know......
I don't see how anything has to be let in after the polls close. You know day the election is, and you should be required to get the ballot in by that day to be counted Before the walk in. If you do not have it in 5 days before election day, then you are SOOL. All this submit by this time and we ...
Don't they have to redo some of those properties that went to the City after the stay was put in place?...
Won't happen, will be some false flag, something to keep him away. Or he will just say no and cheat....

re: Nice form tackle

Posted by Amblin on 4/26/24 at 11:28 am
Has the "Spot the Feds in the crowd" game started yet?...
[quote]He’s a lunatic[/quote] Like McAfee crazy?...
[quote]Go ahead and hate your neighbor Go ahead and cheat a friend Do it in the name of heaven You can justify it in the end These lyrics from One Tin Soldier perfectly describe the modern left.[/quote] That whole song describes the left....
Do we know which Judge had the case and refused to take it on? Isn't that how it work, one judge makes the decision to accept it or not?...
So you're starting to catch on... its all propaganda from the Media and Dems...

re: Mike Johnson loves Ukraine

Posted by Amblin on 4/17/24 at 7:37 pm
Money goes to US companies that line the pockets of the Politicians and make the war stuff they give to other countries, why you think they politicians scum want to send so much money every time....
That's all well and good to have the rules in place but they will just ignore it, produce fake or illegal ballots for Biden and IF they are caught, it will be too far past the election for anything to change the vote. Also they make it where no one can be tied to the blame so no one is punished. ...
They have to stop it all, stop spending more and more money, Stop Giving to other countries, balance the budget or shut down the government. When is the last time they cut anything in the Government or the entitlement plans... ...

TV Repair Shop - Baton Rouge

Posted by Amblin on 4/13/24 at 8:09 am
Any recommendations of a shop to repair a TV in/around Baton Rouge? Sounds/remote, etc work, just no picture so was hoping might be cheap fix. ...
He should have this queued up to use on any debate or interview or on his phone to show anyone that ever asked again if he is racist. Should not answer in words, just show that video....

Honda Accord Hybrid

Posted by Amblin on 4/7/24 at 1:10 pm
Anyone have one or a Hybrid in general. Increased mpg is nice. Any other benefits of having part electric or what are some negatives? I am worried of maintenance costs, especially if the electric side has issues. ...
Its all for show to get votes. The clueless will buy it and vote Dem....
[quote]Gazans continue to vote them in and support them and even after this, would do it again.[/quote] There is not a vote for anything, the terrorists vote themselves in regardless of what the populace want. But be real, most in the population hate Israel also....