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Registered on:6/2/2011
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In the overall scheme of life, this is an incredibly minute and unimportant issue that is garnering way too much media time. ...
[quote] Lafayette likely has much more important crimes to take to trial before a felon in possession case. [/quote] The end result of this suggests that the case might have been more important than they thought....

re: I been waiting for this moment

Posted by chinhoyang on 7/26/24 at 9:59 am
[quote]Friday tie out[/quote] Is this a euphemism?...
On Hollywood Ave. in Shreveport, there was a food joint called "Wangs and Thangs." They eventually changed the name. I assume that they were tired of people coming and saying "I will take some thangs but I don't think I want any wangs."...
Wings are the greatest marketing scam ever. Wing dealers take the absolute shittiest part of the chicken, the one piece no one wants when buying fried chicken, and dupe a bunch of drunks into thinking wings are the greatest thing ever. The only reason they are somewhat edible is because they ar...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by chinhoyang on 7/25/24 at 4:15 pm
Lynda Carter back when: [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/7dba1b8f-a773-4d56-94a7-2401ec28e176/dfdppfp-0486ed49-13a6-4453-8c27-d6948c82d353.jpg/v1/fill/w_854,h_936,q_70,strp/lynda_carter___young_and_sexy_2_by_lc_ww_art_dfdppfp-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ...
[quote]This board is scared of their own shadows...just don't leave your house and you'll be safe. [/quote] Safety is a different issue when your teen daughter is involved. I take photos in SW downtown Shreveport, but I would not let a teen daughter go down there to do the same. ...
There was a kid here that was dating a doctor's daughter. The top of his car's windshield was emblazoned with, in large letters, "PUSSY RIDE." I asked the doctor why he didn't kick that boy off his property when he pulled up in the doctor's driveway to pick up the daughter (who was a senior in h...
Why don't you go down to the hood tonight around midnight and walk around for an hour. Please record it, so we can see how young and tough you are....
When we went through Mom's stuff after she died, I found a beat up pocketknife with a name crudely carved into it. I'm assuming it is a knife my Mom took up when she was teaching. I did some research and found the owner, who was dead. So, I called his nearest relative and was told, in nicer ...
I have a similar event. My Dad is buried at the National Cemetery in Grand Prairie. My former paralegal's husband was an AF fighter pilot. His grave is right across from my parents (my Mom is also buried there in a plot with my Dad). ...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by chinhoyang on 7/23/24 at 10:46 am
[quote]cattus[/quote] Years ago, when Yahoo chat and message boards were big, there was a poster named "Cattus." She was an older woman with giant cans who would post pictures showing them off. I seem to remember that they were all with bikini....
[quote]I swear they train them to bite[/quote] I wondered the same thing. My sister has a bunch of draft crosses, none of which are remotely inclined to bite. According to Google, these are geldings, not stallions. I've never owned or been around a horse that was a biter. I had an A...
[quote] And while she is overall pretty hot, though a bit on the lanky sideā€¦ [/quote] Some of us like a tall, lanky girl. Note: She's not one of them, but her lankiness is not a negative. The volume of wicks that have been dipped in her is the negative....
A quick google search revealed a few "sip and paints" that use male nude models. Some could be gay - I did not "investigate." Some are called "Booze and Brush". The ones I found were in Chicago, including "Naked Sip and Paint" which is next door to "Booze and Brush." [link=(https://www.ev...
Some Bob Ross type going to lay the pipe on those dames....

re: Any OT Dog Whisperers?

Posted by chinhoyang on 7/23/24 at 10:18 am
Good advice on this thread. Herding dogs generally have a genetic trait that enables them to recover and regroup from an injury. This comes from being bred to take a cow (or other animal) kick and go right back to work. Sounds like your dog just needs to get some work outside to get used to ...