Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Big Sky Country
Number of Posts:55589
Registered on:3/9/2011
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The processing plant never closes....

re: Who’s with me at the superdome

Posted by HempHead on 7/26/24 at 4:46 am
Superdome? Hit me up when you get to Kettlehouse, baw. [img]https://i.imgur.com/ijo9IX4.jpeg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/fNs6PNE.jpeg[/img] ETA: his set was good, but rather short. His opener was some ugly crossdressing dude that actually had some decent songs. I do my best to shut out t...
I like Tabasco on eggs and Crystal on everything else, at least for everyday, easily found sauces....
Oddly enough, I ask them for less....

re: Don West vs Billy Mayes

Posted by HempHead on 7/25/24 at 7:49 pm
Favorite two places to eat in the area are Commodore Bobs and Anthony’s in nearby West Point....
How is this not constantly abused? fricking with the downs like that makes it a different game....
Park entrance is 33 miles from my place. If it blows, I won’t even know. Not the worst way to go....
[quote]Simps that don't have experience with women aren't familiar with the makeup magic that most of them perform. [/quote] You realize this board skews towards 35-55, right? ...
[quote]Sometimes I wish I could get hit on the head and wake up stupid so I could enjoy things like this [/quote] It works better if you go to sleep stupid....
I thought we were done with pride month....
He’s got to delay. I don’t think the state could handle the levels of priapism if we snagged another today....
[quote]If you accept that as fact, who's responsible for this assassination attempt? [/quote] lmao as if they won't blame him for this too...
[quote]folks interested in the social atmosphere of the time would do well to listen to 5-6 albums by Harry Belefonate[/quote] Thank frick, I thought I was going to have to read....
Women have typically been the enforcer of social mores. Things haven't changed....
[quote]Nope. She is a commentator for The Daily Wire. [/quote] Oh, right. That's totally different....
*brought to you by a social influencer...

re: How are you celebrating?

Posted by HempHead on 7/4/24 at 8:42 am
Getting drunk on a tube on the Madison River. [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/EdCJr9Arg0qEqBGuBzlWqDlHOGOnnhz5aD-OsM2Lm6M/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9kaXlm/bHlmaXNoaW5nLmNv/bS93cC1jb250ZW50/L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAx/NS8wOC9ZZWxsb3dz/dG9uZS1SaXZlci1M/aXZpbmdzdG9uLU1v/bnRhbmEtNDYweDI2/NS5qcGc[/img]...