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Recent Posts
re: Mizzou bringing good luck with them to Atlanta
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 12/5/14 at 3:13 pm
Had to photo shop that winter fat for those pics.
re: Was Big 12 football better than the SEC?
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 12/5/14 at 3:12 pm
Texas fans always make me wonder if they are serious or just trolling. With all that damn free oil money etc - what have you got to show for it? A bunch of conference championships and what 4 national championships? If you guys were such a holes you might still have a conference that someone in 1980
re: If the tide is allowed to reach back to the stone ages to claim titles
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 12/5/14 at 2:31 pm
Welcome to the club Missou Tiger. I graduated from Vandy in 74. We beat Alabama in 1969 - following the Archie Manning game for the Tide. Anyway, my frat brothers still talk about the party after that game. It was one of the best nights of their life. Beating Alabama is a memorable game for just ab
re: Ferguson protests in Knoxville?
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 11/26/14 at 3:37 pm
Your typical food stamp recipient is a divorced single white mom who has a job. Yes her husband is behind, usually way behind on his support payments - is this the family you had in mine? Yeah I wish the Sheriffs would get after those dead beat dads myself. By the way odds are we got a few who post
re: Why do some people think Bama can beat MSU??
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 11/13/14 at 10:59 am
Because you are MSU and you always choke. You have been on the best roll in the history of your school but it will end this weekend. Even when you had all hat talent in Baseball, you choked.
re: What Would It Take To Start WW3?
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 11/12/14 at 5:14 pm
WWI happened partly because of concentrated wealth in the royal houses of Europe. The dumb fricks were bored and had no idea how far along weaponry and come. The combo made for some real carnage. More real democracies and a global middle class is a good way to avoid major conflicts. Rich people don't
re: Is this the year that Oregon finally takes down the SEC?
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 11/12/14 at 10:10 am
Slinger your offense got shut down by our new coach at Vandy who is a moron. If he can stop you half the SEC can as well.
re: Question about MIss. State Defense
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/31/14 at 5:05 pm
Man is going to get some serious phone calls at the end of the year.
re: Obama could go out an a high note if he wanted
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/31/14 at 4:53 pm
Petitfogger, do you just make stuff up to get angry about. Did you read something on Drudge or did one of the Fox bimbos do a story about some obscure professor who had LBJ in his top 5? That is what is wrong with the national conversation these days. The right wing just makes some shite up and blabs
re: Milton Wolf comes back into the fold
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/31/14 at 12:15 pm
The senate seat has more to do with Pat Roberts Kansas address being a Lazy Boy lounger in a friends house. The abominable tax cuts and other Tea Party policy that has put Kansas in debt was supposed to be he model for what conservative policies will bring to America. Didn't work really well. Befor
re: Republicans have 10% lead in national early voting, according to AP
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/31/14 at 12:05 pm
Charlie is right. This might be a few percentage points higher but really doesn't mean anything. However, I do think Tuesday will be a good day for Repubs.
re: Will we ever get term limits on Congress and Senate?
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/31/14 at 10:39 am
Pretty damn good posts regarding term limits. Well done. Reform of campaign finance is the answer in my opinion. Limits and subsidized federal campaigns. It is all about the money.
re: HRC: "Don't Let Anybody Tell You Businesses & Corporations Create Jobs"
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/31/14 at 10:33 am
Hail Michigan is absolutely correct. Demand is not created in a vacuum. Companies respond to the market place - they don't create one.
re: Assuming The GOP Takes The Senate, How Will Obama Finish Out...
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/31/14 at 10:31 am
Spleen is aptly named. What exactly is the impeachable offense. There was certainly more of a case for impeaching Ronald Reagan regarding the Iran Contra issue. People were convicted of felonies - convicted, not some erroneous story on some right wing blog or FOX news but convicted in federal court.
re: Letterman; 10 reasons I vote Democrat
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/30/14 at 2:12 pm
do you really think it is funny? By the way "butt hurt much" isn't funny or clever either.
re: Want Proof Tax Cuts Don't Stimulate the Economy? Look at Kansas
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/30/14 at 2:07 pm
I read it and I've read several articles about Kansas. It was terrible tax policy. Yeah that had some set backs with farm prices and Boeing but it was bad government. What frustrates me is everything is so alienating. I mean if you disagree with someone they aren't a patriot or a real american. Hist
re: Want Proof Tax Cuts Don't Stimulate the Economy? Look at Kansas
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/30/14 at 1:51 pm
Duke they are tapped out because they need a break not multi millionaires and Billionaires who live on invested money taxed at 15%. In the 50's the golden age of American capitalism the highest rate was 90%. Now I realize that no one paid 90% but they paid there share. I know you hate that phrase fa
re: Want Proof Tax Cuts Don't Stimulate the Economy? Look at Kansas
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/30/14 at 1:15 pm
What Obama tax increases? Look the Tea Party said this was "an incubator" for the miracle of lowering tax rates on the wealthy and balancing the budget. Total failure. You guys have more excuses than a ten year old. 4 years ago they were talking about the Kansas Miracle that is coming - what they've
re: Sen. Rand Paul is in demand
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/30/14 at 1:01 pm
Wait till he really gets on the national stage and is scrutinized. This man is as big a flake as his ..dad. As I said in another post - he couldn't get board certified in his specialty so he created some fake lame board certification process that passes anybody with the money. Wait until he gets ask
re: Daddy Bush, Little Bush, & now Lil Bro Bush 2016?
Posted by crawdaddy52 on 10/30/14 at 12:46 pm
God Bama Doc please nominate them. What a dynamic ticket they would make. I wouldn't let Dr. Carson near my kid's brain. Jesus talk about scary. And Rand with his phony accreditation - he couldn't get his Board Certification so he just created his own fake process. These are classic wing nuts runnin