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I’m wouldn’t say that I’m a big hot sauce guy, but I will say this, Tabasco was made for red beans and rice. ...

re: The upcoming rigged election

Posted by Mike da Tigah on 7/25/24 at 8:17 pm
I wonder if it wouldn’t be a good idea to roll through more conservative minded areas of the city on Election Day with a bull horn to remind everyone how very critical their vote is to saving this country from the abyss. ...
Pretty much says everything you need to know about Democrats and their concept of what constitutes justice right there. Laughable if it wasn’t so tragic for us all. ...

re: Venezuala has Elections Sunday

Posted by Mike da Tigah on 7/25/24 at 8:05 pm
No need to ID voters. It won’t matter anyway. We aren’t far behind them....
I think you have to define liberal. Hippie like libertarian left leaning liberal who doesn’t want to rule the world, but leans left, actually much more than you’d think. Marxist, hedonist, authoritarian liberal who has more in common with Chairman Mao than anyone found amongst our founders...
Let me preface this with saying that it has very little to nothing to do with actual principles of government. Those real dividing rods however do have everything to do with morality and traditional values versus immorality and Marxism, and so it actually boils down to more of a spiritual war for...
Overcooked greens with little vitamins left, swimming in pork fat and pot liquor water. No stock. Cooking isn’t magic tricks. Some people actually cook every night to live, and have their entire life. Somehow I doubt that Mrs. Giggles is doing any of that. ...
Only one of those look as if they could actually defend themselves against a strong gust of wind. They honestly all look pretty low T to me. ...
And that is how you know you are on the political side of the untouchable elites. ...
As I alluded to in the thread on the OT, all of this is HD doing. They are doing everything in their power to distance themselves from their base with their water cooled nonsense with all the character of a Honda and none of the well earned reputation for reliability, as well as their Live Wire ele...
[quote]Too bad that pesky photographer got the money shot photograph showing the fricking bullet flying by his head[/quote] Did they happen to catch the exploding shell that caused the shrapnel? Or maybe it was flak from Tripple A. :lol: Never can be too sure about that pesky shrapnel or...
[quote]BCreed1 This is pretty obvious. If she doesn't do well in polling, she is going to be replaced at the DNC. [/quote] And only 3 months to introduce America to a candidate, and face the backlash from pulling the plug and abandoning a black woman? I’m not so sure about that. Could be, bu...
[quote]God doesn't punish us here on earth. Does he allow things we caused to do great harm? Yes. Does he allow us to encounter temptation? Yes. [/quote] You know, when you read of God’s judgement, it’s laid out in Romans 1, and that is to allow us to get exactly what we want, and if that’s sep...
[quote]Thoughts?[/quote] Regardless of what happens, God’s will be done is the most important thing to consider here as a Christian, as He has this, we don’t, and He knows exactly how things will pan out and work for His Kingdom to come. While I fully understand the desire and need to make...
NAY I wouldn’t hire a hardcore Liberal Democrat to run any business of mine to be honest as they don’t understand the fundamentals of how business works, and I’d be in the red in no time flat. They operate their entire lives around emotions, and cannot get their heads around the concept of ope...
Yeah, she’s gone all out on YouTube ads, and as quick as I can click skip I do so, but she is a real nuisance. ...
These people are PROFESSIONAL LIARS. They can argue and do argue out of both sides of their mouths, and all for one purpose, to support the DNC. They don’t even attempt to try and hide it anymore. It’s been laughable for some time now. ...
:lol: I’m glad she admitted that the absolute only reason to vote for Kamala Harris is because of the skin color she was born with, and nothing to do with anything she brings to the table in leadership. It is so incredible how liberal blacks like this woman have weaponized race to keep every...