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Location:Tennessee Mountains
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Registered on:1/15/2005
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You can thank affirmative action for this. When you lower standards for one group, diminished standards will always be a suspect. ...
Kinda points out how bad the American voter is, doesn’t it? ...
How much did Maher make last year? You think he cares what you think about him, or that his viewers are idiots?...
[quote]Such a reasonable post. [/quote] It’s not a reasonable post, it’s a stupid post. ...
Meanwhile, the biker next door is wailing her three times a week. ...
[quote]Americans who need housing should squat in these Blackrock properties[/quote] Bet that situation works out differently for blackrock than for the home owner down the street. ...
[quote]Agreed. Old people, the infirm, and kids can fend for themselves. Can’t put in the work? Too bad, have fun starving until you learn how.[/quote] I wonder if the Bible addressed this knowing some retard was going to say something stupid in the future. ...
[quote]Allegedly, RICO, among others.[/quote] Please, try to show the criminal conspiracy organization here. The one formed to conduct criminal activity that would be required for RICO. ...
[quote]SS is the biggest goddamn scam ever perpetrated by a government. It shouldn't be cut, it should be eliminated[/quote] I’ll take a check for what I’ve paid in. Thanks ...
She either has complete control of the finances or he’s hung like trigger. ...
[quote]The populace is well armed enough they would know where to start looking if they needed this stuff. Because these same people are against guns.[/quote] They are against you having guns, not them. ...
The gun against their heads doesn’t seem to be enough. Maybe after the trigger is pulled they will decide that’s enough. ...
[quote]The people who hate gun ownership, the police and want to defund the military are pushing for a civil war with the people who own all the guns and support the military and police. [/quote] I just packed my son up from Bragg. I wouldn’t count on military support on our side. They will follo...
Like our politicians never had duels in DC. Maybe few black eyes are needed on the hill. ...
The government is going to do nothing. The owners of government would have to step up and do something. Let me know when any of you are willing to sacrifice anything to start saving this country. ...
Wake me when there’s a crowd of about 3 people ready to do something. We’ve turned into a nation of candyasses. ...
[quote]Damn! I can't believe they didn't pin this one on white supremacy[/quote] Uh, who is doing everything to create the climate change? That’s right, white people. White people run the businesses, make the cars and trucks and planes that pollute the environment. All those Chinese. Yep, they’re...
Why do people have to lie? Especially when it’s so easily proven to be a lie. ...
The man at the top usually gets the credit, usually deservingly so. Most people with a modicum of brains realize how many people are involved in making Florida what it is. Rather than fighting about who did what, maybe we should be fighting together to spread this so we can take back more states. ...