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Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:19873
Registered on:1/13/2005
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OK, y'all. The fun is over. Y'all can go back to your regular diet of embedded tweets from pedophile JB of Lord Bebo and ayden.
Serous question? Are you a pedophile like Scott Ritter? I mean, why else would you post his comments?


What you have not posted is all the Ladas being used as transportation for Russia along the front. It's as if they no longer have any BMPs or IFVs

Russia still has lots. But the old Soviet supply depots are empty, and they can't repair/manufacture nearly as many as they are losing
Astraia Intel is an account that is as reliable as Lord Bebo and ayden. In other words, I wouldn't normally post it, because we used to have standards, but this is an important fact about Russian railways you should know:

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Video of the war that's super important, folks. By the way, someone please tell me if I'm posting too many videos of the war and updates of the facts on the ground, OK?

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Account names can be changed.

I don't see any need to change my account name. My politics haven't changed: I'm still a Reagan conservative. If you have a problem with it, feel free to complain to Chicken: I'm sure that he'll be sympathetic.

I think you've been drinking.

Nope. I don't drink. Trump and I have that in common.

And it is true that I'm not going to be hanging around here, anymore. Chicken is fine with this thread being a twitter feed of complete trash, so I figured I'd have some fun with it for a bi
Russia should really train its tank drivers not to run over their own men.

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More evidence of your mental breakdown. This is what happens to NAFO trolls when reality smacks them in the face. That Trump/Putin phone call did a number on you

You really think that Trump is going to save your sorry self and your pathetic Putin! Your brain is the size of ayden's

He made up that lie to have a excuse for his mental breakdown. That Trump-Putin phone call pushed him over the edge. It was funny reading his full page fairytale I was thinking this poor dude is having a mental breakdown. Sure enough...5 minutes later, he goes on a tirade

You are
Ukrainian advances in drone tech are changing the future of warfare:

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Very odd that you would give yourself that name, then.

Look at how old my account is.

You are having a mental breakdown and everyone sees it. That Trump-Putin phone call pushed you over the edge.

You are projecting. Your bosses must be getting disappointed in your failures to persuade this board. Are you in trouble? Are they going to ship you to die attacking Pok
A reminder about what's happened to your navy:


You know it's bad when you are posting Ukrainian telegram accounts masquerading as Russian accounts. GOP_TIGER was coping for 3 days after Trump called Putin before he couldn't take it anymore NAFO Troll mental breakdowns are the best

Why are you still whining, little punk? :