Favorite team:Alabama 
Number of Posts:54
Registered on:11/8/2009
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Wouldn't surprise me to see Ingram come back....
[quote]Deaderick is starting for New England right now.[/quote] I haven't paid attention, but that is awesome. I remember though last year, many including myself were thinking Dareus should play every down. Now I know that his success could have been due to the opposing O-line having to deal wit...
[quote]1. Our pass rush wasn't anything special last year. 2. Cody took up 2 blockers. Chapman only takes up 1. 3. Upshaw is a DE. Not a linebacker. 4. Hightower's knee won't be back to what it was before his injury until next season. 5. Arenas was one of the best pass rushers in the country out of ...
Too bad I-Formation Cody is a year past.......
[quote]I don't think Miss St has the O to beat Bama. I hope I am wrong but I see Bama taking a lowing scoring game. 20-10ish[/quote] Neither did LSU and they racked up like 400 yards. All it will take is them getting a decent game offensively, with our guys playing soft and our stupid offense dec...

re: Bill Bell confirms Newtons sought moneys

Posted by ARCC on 11/11/10 at 9:20 pm
As a Bama fan, I must admit part of me would love to see AU's wins vacated, the other part wants to see AU go to the BCSNC game and win it for the SEC. A part of me would love to see AU get creamed with probation, as did USC. Not necessarily because I hate AU, but if any school was stupid enough ...
I was giving credit to Miles for being smart. Cam is likely so dumb Miles is using jedi-mind trick on him....
Maybe Newton is a plant by Miles to destroy the competition.... Yes, I guess he is a smart little monkey.........
[quote]Wow, this is a tiger rant worthy topic. How spoilt have you guys become?[/quote] Sad huh.... Heck you guys have reason to complain....

re: Odds Bama gets jumped in the BCS?

Posted by ARCC on 10/30/10 at 4:09 pm
What would it matter if they did? The rest of our schedule murders theirs, so if we win out it would be moot....

re: Bama fans.....

Posted by ARCC on 10/30/10 at 4:04 pm
[quote]I have agreed with you twice today. I would almost hate to see our defense against Oregon this year. That could get embarrassing.[/quote] Bah, if we get to play them it means we would have stopped AU. If that is the case, we can at least hold them down while our offense feasts on their wim...

re: Alabama is going to beat Auburn easily

Posted by ARCC on 10/24/10 at 11:07 pm
Beat Auburn? Possibly. Easily?: Only if Newton gets hurt or goes stupid and fumbles the ball a few times or throws a few interception. That or if Les Miles' Ghost takes over AU's Offense and does retarded things....

re: Alabama Is In A Good Position

Posted by ARCC on 10/24/10 at 9:05 pm
I think if every LSU fan will act like they love him, talk like him and try to kiss him, he would freak out and leave....or not.. but it would be funny for me either way....

re: Alabama Is In A Good Position

Posted by ARCC on 10/24/10 at 8:44 pm
What I want to see is our Oline and RB's get nasty again. They need that nasty attitude that they had last year. Secondly, I want to see some toss plays to the outside. Teams know that if they can stack the middle, cut down the in-between tackles and force us to bail to the outside they can catc...

re: Bama offense

Posted by ARCC on 10/16/10 at 11:56 pm
I'm starting to wonder if our o-line just doesn't run block well. Last year we still couldn't pass great, but we could still mow them down with the run no matter how many guys they had in the box....
Now I'm happy we did not knock Mallet out of the game. :lol:...
Question, does Mallet lose his starting job now?...
Wow Wilson is 14/15 with 247 yards. Who is Mallet?...

re: UF more yards than Alabama?!?!?!?!

Posted by ARCC on 10/2/10 at 10:01 pm
Bah we had what 240+ yards at the end of the first half, then we shut it down. I'm happy....
Bama-31 Florida- 21 Close all game, Bama's o-line takes over in fourth quarter to allow Ingram and Richardson to get the win....