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Location:Somewhere on the water
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Registered on:12/29/2004
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re: Another one on the sober train

Posted by Croozin2 on 2/2/25 at 8:24 am

That’s simply not an option for some of us. I would be right back to 10-16 drinks every, and I mean every day of the year.

Friend of mine’s wife was literally drinking herself to death. Multiple health issues, some potentially terminal. She’s been sober over 9 years now. It wasn’t

re: Lets put this into Perspective..

Posted by Croozin2 on 2/2/25 at 7:51 am
Buddy of mine said “It’s hard to watch bad basketball “. Truer words never spoken.

Both TS and the Box will be packed regardless of how bad our teams are.

Know how I know you weren't around for football in the 90s?

unless all the Auburn fans take them

Auburn is running a "PMAC Takeover" promotion. Sent out a seat map of the PMAC to the AU Family app advertising tickets for sale as cheap as $3. :yack:

re: Corvette Restoration

Posted by Croozin2 on 1/29/25 at 7:49 am
They may hold air but after a few times up to highway speed, I'm sure they would begin coming apart.

which way to turn a pipe wrench

Started shaking my head and chuckling when that scene was on. Wife says, "What?" :lol: :lol:

I was snapping a photo of my mother and father (an Exxon retiree) in front of the Christmas tree the instant the explosion occurred. The first words from my Dad's mouth were "That was Exxon."

Similar situation but was my FIL. They lived off Sherwood Forest and it shook the hell ou

re: All that matters at this point

Posted by Croozin2 on 1/12/25 at 6:13 am




One does not equal the other.

O never destroyed shite!

:lol: :lol: This thread just keeps on giving!!

which university they work for

And, sadly, this is what it has become.
[quote]The players looking for a better business deal are typically not the ones left without a home. They are looking because they’ve performed well enough to increase their stock. Someone will pay them.
The players stuck…that you have no sympathy for…are kids that get processed away from their

re: Jack Pyburn

Posted by Croozin2 on 12/21/24 at 5:35 pm
Used to see his dad at different poker runs. Google Pure Platinum Skater and his boat will pop up. This kid has no need for money, I can assure you. Bill (Dad) is doing quite well for himself.

re: Jack Pyburn

Posted by Croozin2 on 12/21/24 at 6:48 am

Ramsey Dardar


Bill Elko

Two bad dudes :cheers:

re: Miller Moss to enter portal.

Posted by Croozin2 on 12/2/24 at 2:04 pm

We sure made him look good.

LSU has made a habit of that the last few years

recruitment is still open




A semi-pro league with a salary cap will come eventually.

And once that step is made, will players then be considered employees and can be terminated for poor job performance? :dunno:

Pandora’s box has been opened.

It was the Wisconsin game

I don’t usually let games get to me but I remember being extremely angry after that game.

re: Love to hear from Kelly diehards

Posted by Croozin2 on 11/17/24 at 6:11 am

It’s always the HC’s fault. Kelly even said it himself “the buck stops with me” I’m not leading the fire Kelly charge because I believe firing him could lead to catastrophe for the program. However, absolving him of the teams performance is ignorance

The most sound, reasonable po