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Registered on:8/4/2009
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re: If Kamala wins, will you leave?

Posted by AUriptide on 7/24/24 at 10:12 am
No after she wins I plan on watching the implosion from my compound....
[quote]Kiana Tom[/quote] She had a nice Playboy spread back in the day....
Yes, back in the day I had one on my old 280z with headlight covers as well. I was young and thought it looked cool. Thinking of it it now, the only thing they did was collect dirt under it. :lol: [img]https://barnfinds.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/280ZX-1.jpeg[/img]...
Here in Alabama they love to clog of the left lane and then get over at the last second to get off at the exit....
I knew what this thread was about when I read the subject. Those assholes are all over the place....
Need a burning barn for us Aubs as well....
[quote]Doesn't say something like, "I'll let you in on a secret. Not just my armpits stink."[/quote] Yes!!! Her cigarette voice makes it even worse....
Not as bad as the skank with with stinking snatch commercial. The one on the radio is even worse....

re: Do you sleep with tv on?

Posted by AUriptide on 7/2/24 at 8:16 am
Yes, but I usually turn it on something that's not highly interesting. I fell asleep to the USA soccer game last night....
[quote]We need to settle this[/quote] No, we don't...not really....
I've said years this country would vote for a potato against Trump and we are about to find out, because Biden has as much brain function as a potato....