Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Castle Anthrax
Biography:Student of Lorentz magnetic forces
Interests:building my own private cyclotron
Occupation:Study of alpha particles as they approach light speed
Number of Posts:68134
Registered on:2/11/2009
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It just doesn't change pot. People want some people to be everything right while not judging themselves by the same standers. It's best to just idolize one thing. Creation. ...
There coming. Along with the: Should of fired... Should of hired... Should of drafted... Should not of drafted threads. When you miss the playoffs 4 years in a row it's what you get....
Because that would piss everyone of them off and you would lose votes. It would turn ugly very quickly. And it would take days if not weeks for the nominee to go through all 100 of the little skunks. ...
Maybe, Maybe not. I guess if one believes [quote]Ynetnews, citing a source familiar with the matter[/quote] as truthful....

re: Old Fleur De Lis

Posted by goatmilker on 1/16/25 at 8:10 pm
Could be worse [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cb/18/48/cb18489779f7fbf4c44f03bbfdbecc03.jpg[/img]...
Not much for now. I know China was asking for more time. Got 4 years to work something out....
[quote]nicholastiger[/quote] [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/XOILX0epc42go/200.gif?cid=6c09b952hrdxo6odtm25t18hc5689r8l2xawzl1xh2g7q3qw&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200.gif&ct=g[/img]...
I'm not giving that tool any ideas :cheers:...
I upvoted as this is good news. The leadership of the modern day dim party still desire to double down. A good sign for continued loses at the polls :usa:...
[quote]Meanwhile, the atmosphere is warming - for whatever reason.[/quote] Maybe it was the little ice age and we have been getting warmer ever since it ended?...

re: Sean Payton on Injuries.

Posted by goatmilker on 1/16/25 at 4:33 pm
[quote]He recommended Dennis Allen And Micky Loomis did what he said[/quote] :rotflmao:...

re: Obamas divorcing?

Posted by goatmilker on 1/16/25 at 10:29 am
Classic Hollywood move bro. The famous actress covers for the famous fig er...ex President....
Gaetz sitting next to Schiff in the Senate for the win please lol...

re: Women in Combat: What say you?

Posted by goatmilker on 1/16/25 at 10:17 am
I would fight next to Chavez any day. But I'm not military my son is. He's not a fan of women in combat....