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Location:Rocky Mountain High
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Registered on:9/23/2004
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[quote]Everything costs. Private tutoring, good schools, homes, the latest gadgets, the best colleges, [b]vehicles[/b], camps, etc.[/quote] Our car insurance alone for having several teenagers is greater than the GDP of several countries and Rhode Island. Especially in Louisiana. (Get Gordon!)...

re: Find Your Team's Helmet

Posted by clamdip on 7/25/24 at 8:44 pm
Number of helmet variations is inversely related to your team's skins on the wall. KU coming in with 23 helmets. ...
[quote]Because you would run against her as president. She would have that bully pulpit and all the imagery that goes with it.[/quote] This. Keep Weekend at Bernie's alive. ...
[quote][quote]Agreed. I've always thought that is someone had taken away Trump's Twitter access early in his Presidency he would have won in 2020.[/quote] Oooooh... So you're one of those retards who STILL thinks the 2020 election had "NO FRAUD," was "the most free and fair election ever," and that...
[quote]And PMSNBC actually showed this[/quote] Read the signs. That network follows liberal marching orders, most likely from the Obama camp. Like I said, Michelle Obama ticket still has a chance. They'll keep sabotaging Kamala at this point leading up to the DNC if her numbers are not good....
That she-him would be a typical Dem president. A laptop toady. But we'd get to celebrate zem and zeir bravery while zey play lead puppet!...

re: RFK Dropping out?

Posted by clamdip on 7/25/24 at 8:07 am
[quote]There are approximately zero center right or right leaning people voting for RFK.[/quote] Flat out wrong. ...

re: RFK Dropping out?

Posted by clamdip on 7/24/24 at 9:59 pm
Trump should let RFK Jr appoint every single regulatory agency head. Then I'll believe that Trump's draining the swamp. ...
[quote]I am against felons voting. [/quote] I'm against people in prison voting, but I'm not against a felon, who has done the time and is now free, voting....
[img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/oy4mszYyvFjUY/giphy.gif width=500[/img]...
[quote]They’ll be fine too. But they’ll probably get approached by a lawyer to try and extort the operator out of some money.[/quote] Well, yeah. It's Louisiana....
[quote]How near you? [/quote] As a crow flies probably 10 miles. I guess I'm safe. But, I have friends within a couple miles. ...
There's rumored to be one coming into Louisiana near me. Hmmm. Might have to research this. ...

re: Kamala Voters* - Explain to Me*

Posted by clamdip on 7/23/24 at 9:32 pm
[quote]it’s well-documented that inflation is mostly [b]greedflation[/b].[/quote] WTF?...
[quote]No, he needs to get his arse whipped.[/quote] I'm Gen X... When I was growing up that [i]was[/i] help. Everybody needs their arse kicked once in a while. ...
He needs help. And I don't mean straightening his wig. Not only does our current society compel us to accept this stuff, but they want more than that. Celebrate it. I don't celebrate mental illness. ...
Dems: "Look over here at this shiney thing!"...

re: How did America become this stupid?

Posted by clamdip on 7/23/24 at 7:28 am
[quote]Reagan was the first President I remember. Like Donald Trump, he was unpopular with the establishment of his party. He had "dangerous" ideas. He came to power in a bad economy and left with a much better one. Someone tried to kill him early on... a lone kook trying to impress an actress. H...
Polls are a manipulation tool these days. ...
[quote]This is the Trump we haven’t seen yet in the ‘24 election. Which is why he’s doing so well. People don’t like this version of Trump. It turns them off.[/quote] Agreed. I've always thought that is someone had taken away Trump's Twitter access early in his Presidency he would have won in 2020....