Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Chicken's most valuable
Biography:BR native, LSU Grad
Occupation:Professor of Anarchy and Brigandry
Number of Posts:71080
Registered on:9/5/2004
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If you think it's bad now, wait until JD Vance takes a flamethrower to his arse....
[quote] the county pound is pet free for the first time in several years[/quote] Haitians doing work....
[quote] I despise everyone in this government or wanting to be equally[/quote] You come across like a concern troll. Trying to be 'above it all' to hide your Trump hatred. We can sniff that shite out around here with the quickness....
[img]https://media.tenor.com/63KOKBWSFCoAAAAe/krieger-archer.png width=350[/img]...
Looks like a desperate hoax to try and stop Trump's massive momentum....
Loomer is [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRAiNWqJON-AC5b04O2KyGALastboyn6KT6yQ&s width=300[/img]...
It's taken a couple of days to marinate but yeah, no one remembers anything Kamala said. She's already been forgotten....
[quote]Voting itself is a political myth[/quote] Voting is nothing more than a humiliating ritual by the people designed to give the ruling class their legitimacy...
[quote]Scott Adams gets it[/quote] Years ago I heard Scott say that we live in a world where facts don't matter. I thought that sounded crazy. But here we are. And the most unforgettable soundbite from the debate may not be technically correct but it reminds everyone of how shitty the im...
[quote] Do the mail in ballot envelopes have the voter’s return address on them.[/quote] You know the carriers can pretty much tell red areas and blue areas....
The location may be in error, but the problem is real....
Kansas has the same song as the Aggies, only slower....
[quote]The nation’s 290,000 active and retired city letter carriers represented by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) are proud to announce our endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz to serve as the next president and vice president of the United States.[/q...
[img]https://images.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1380222758ra/507728.gif width=350[/img]...
Brutal. [embed]https://x.com/Michele_Tafoya/status/1834575003515326623[/embed]...

re: Is a civil war coming??

Posted by TrueTiger on 9/13/24 at 3:22 pm
In the event of civil war, who are you going to shoot at? I like my neighbors....

re: Where is Jill Biden?

Posted by TrueTiger on 9/13/24 at 1:25 pm
Looking for a gigolo. She still has needs. ...
When you grow up with it you don't really notice it except when it gets shifted and binds up. Then it needs to be adjusted which causes ladies to complain about guys touching their crotch. ETA: I think nudity is completely legal in Seattle. ...
[quote]task force[/quote] and commissions This is where you send ideas to be studied and killed....