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Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Biography:LSU fan
Number of Posts:13335
Registered on:7/14/2008
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Probably. I have to much to lose risking my life setting foot in those shite holes. (Family, job, wealth. Etc.) I’d much rather spend my time on my patio BBQing by the pool or the Golf Course then hanging out with the jobless in the hood. ...
A “bad neighborhood” used to be a couple streets with Graffiti and where you’d go to by a bag of Reggie Now a “bad neighborhood” constitutes several blocks of abandon crack houses and lawlessness with thugs walking around with guns shooting innocent people. I’d say the “bad neighborhoods” are...
[quote]My daughter was born the day of the Oklahoma playoff game. Watched the game with her laying on my chest in hospital.[/quote] Very special moment that you’ll never forget ...
Typical Florida things [img][/img] [img][/img] ...

Camp starts in a week

Posted by deathvalleyfreak43 on 7/24/24 at 1:23 pm
What things are you watching going into camp? For me it’s… -Trey Holley. Is he going to be a full go and participate? Having him will bolster an already strong RB room. -Does Kylin Jackson take the next step? Our DBs sucked last year and he barely played. It seems like when he did play he pla...
[quote]Then, come late March/ early April, spray out the Rye and get started on your Bermuda lawn (if full sun).[/quote] I’m a complete novice so excuse my ignorance but what do you mean by “spray out the rye” Also if I wanted to go this route with the were is it as easy as just spreading rye ...
Everyone- Thank you for the responses. I will try to get some pics after work but my yard pretty much looks like Loups before picture. It’s a pretty large back yard and there are some pretty decent parts of the yard. I believe the parts that are doing well are St. Augustine. We have 2 Austra...
My back yard is in a sorry state and I’m finally ready to start taking it seriously. Right now it’s patchy with very little grass (full of weeds) and there’s also a shite ton of Gravel pathways that the previous idiot owner put everywhere. From what I’ve gathered online it’s pretty much too late ...
He won’t answer. Internet edge lord has to be contrarian at all times to maintain his persona. ...
You can hear the genuine concern about Trump and jubilation in their voice when they see he’s walking… but still lost to the most voted for candidate of all time … SMH...
I don’t understand why he took his head off his rifle.. seems like poor training ...
I miss these kind of exciting players that The General brought in. ...
I just can’t help but think back to a time when “men” were actually “men”. When they weren’t seeking a particular “office setting” because they were not lazy. There are men, whom, by some type of degree have inside jobs. Like a lawyer, doctor, insurance broker, salesman, etc. when you are jobless, ...
Anybody but that fruitcake Ivey league pitcher they picked up in the portal. forget his name but saw a dug out interview with him and he was annoying as frick. No wonder they lost. ...

Noticing a trend with 8-4

Posted by deathvalleyfreak43 on 6/26/24 at 9:08 am
There fix for everything seems to be money. “We’ll just money whip this guy into being our coach!”, “No one could outbid us for this player!”, “We have the best facilities money can buy!”, Etc. It reminds me of driving around Houston and seeing all these soulless McMansions and cookie cutter “gated...
[img][/img] They have him listed at 6’3 258 but in recent pictures he looks much bigger than that. I’ve always thought he was a diamond in the rough and I really think he can be a distributor on the inside. He may not contribute this year but I think he’ll continue...
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Give me Tony The Tiger aka Anthony Jennings ...