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Registered on:9/22/2024
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I'm picking up Clean and heading over.
There wasn't much diversity in it so I give it a thumbs down.
They blue toothed. Big fricking deal
Unclefesterlegs posted something u should look at.
Some of those troops probapartake in trafficking

re: Albums with No Throwaway Songs

Posted by WhatItDo on 2/2/25 at 9:47 pm
There's a bunch but Sam Barber's Restless Mind is a new one that doesn't have a bad song on it.

re: Thoughts On Musk’s Influence

Posted by WhatItDo on 2/2/25 at 1:21 pm
Musk is a breath of fresh air compares to the Biden influencers.
I would let the ones that are skilled and don't require a handout to stay.
He'll wave his wand and fix it!
Sound needs to be added to that
Having a conversative governor reaps quick dividends.
I had an implant recently. I don't see how that can be done in one day since it takes 4 months for the implant to fuse to the bone.

re: Hitting an eagle.

Posted by WhatItDo on 1/26/25 at 12:36 pm
I hit a buzzard once.