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Location:Metairie, La
Number of Posts:2044
Registered on:2/13/2008
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OK, I have a question. It's been a while since I've read the books and watched the 2nd season.

Why did Rob have to go through the Twins to get to Riverrun? Why couldn't he take the Kings Road?

And to add to that, if the Twins are the only way to get North, how did Littlefinger get through the

re: Recommend my next cell phone

Posted by Murtagh on 5/8/15 at 3:59 pm
The main reason I'm getting it is because of the camera.

16 MP, 5312 x 2988 pixels, laser autofocus, optical image stabilization, LED flash. Plus it has a 1.8f-stop (which makes it really good in low light)

re: Recommend my next cell phone

Posted by Murtagh on 5/8/15 at 3:01 pm
LG G4. Comes out in June. Will be my next purchase.

re: Meet the LG G4

Posted by Murtagh on 4/29/15 at 7:37 am

Still, I want to be able to operate my phone with one hand and I'm not sure that will happen with that huge 5.5" screen. A little ludicrous imo. I've never looked at a 5" screen and said "it's just too small!"

You can turn on 1 handed operations. and put it to either left or right

re: Meet the LG G4

Posted by Murtagh on 4/28/15 at 2:54 pm
it looks like June to buying it. 200 on contract, or 600 outright.

the S6 disappoints me on so many levels. It's an iPhone with the samsung name.

re: Meet the LG G4

Posted by Murtagh on 4/28/15 at 12:15 pm
I was going to start a new post, but figured it would be better to just do it here.

Anyone watch the launch? Every G4 owner will get 100 GB google drive for 2 years. that and the camera have me very excited. Hope they come out soon, and hope that Otterbox has a case in the making

re: U-Verse fiber v Cox Internet

Posted by Murtagh on 4/15/15 at 3:01 pm
no. the fiber is to the box, not your house, so you still have to rely on phone lines to get it to your house.

for cox I pay 75 and have 120mb down. You may want to check to see if you can upgrade Cox
the good stuff from Apple? Non removable battery and no sd card slot?
if you want an s6, you might as well just get an iPhone. Samsung dropped the ball so bad on this one.

"what can we do to make our new flagship phone completely different than the last 5 phones we made? Oh good idea, make it look exactly like an iPhone"

re: Cad-dora

Posted by Murtagh on 4/7/15 at 2:59 pm


Posted by Murtagh on 4/7/15 at 12:56 pm
Did a new version of his Pandora come out to go with lolipop? I hate having to switch back to the radio until I redo playlists on my phone.
maybe convoy wasn't the best choice of words there. i just know that they are coming back here on the ground.
the crewmen from the other bird are on a convoy back home. They should be back this afternoon.
OMG. can you guys stop arguing about the how many people these things can hold? jesus christ.

what I mean is how many people has a friend that was "supposed" to be on that aircraft.

what if they are talking about the same person, but don't know it? It's not like people use real names on here?
My brother was on the one that didn't go down. Talk about a hell to wake up to in the morning.

re: .

Posted by Murtagh on 3/10/15 at 3:22 pm
in. should have happened last year, but I like the Unger bonus.