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He was geeked on amphetamines. I can guarantee they popped him with a halcion type drug the minute they got him off stage. They had to get him back down before his heart gave out. The yelling, tight jaw, red face, angry demeanor, unable to truly focus on one thing for too long. That blood p...
[quote]It only could've been more obvious if Biden had been chewing on his own ear,[/quote] Knew a truck driver that would lick his lips when he was geeked. It looked liked a snake or lizard flicking his tongue out. The joke was, "there he is catching flies", he's geeked. :lol:...
[quote]He was geeked up on speed for sure[/quote]To anyone who knows the signs, it was obvious. ...

re: Meet Miss Germany for 2024

Posted by Stone Cold Bob on 3/8/24 at 3:40 pm
[quote]Is it "Lay-ken" or "Laa-ken"? It's almost impossible to pronounce it the first way without sounding like Lincoln[/quote] "Lay" does not sound anything like "Linc" unless you're one of Pedo Joe's non-English speaking illegals. ...
He must be coming down and recovering from that massive amphetamine dose they gave him last night. They probably hit him with a Halcion type drug to bring him down some as soon as they got him out of the public eye. ...
[quote]Who is it MulkeyMan? [/quote]MetryMauler is MulkeyMan...
[quote]I told you all I knew who Stone Cold Bob was. I guess his prior alter finally got banned. He can't help himself, he and Cuyler are too dumb to hide their hatred for each other. [/quote] No, MulkeyMan...don't talk about your other accounts....
[quote]You forgot to post this from your other account.[/quote] :rotflmao: No, I did not. I don't give a frick....
[quote]Because that side sees them as Stalin and the commies. [/quote]I love how they brand their totalitarianism as "democracy". :rolleyes:...

re: Casual boots of the OT

Posted by Stone Cold Bob on 3/8/24 at 9:41 am
[quote]My god if my kids see these I’m going to be forced to buy them[/quote] Put $17 in small bills in a plain brown envelope. Put it next to the fire hydrant by Sonic. I'll make sure your kids never get [link=(https://www.amazon.com/Believe-Unicorn-Character-Slippers-Creature/dp/B07GJ8BXPF/ref...
I have been lying awake nights for weeks worrying about potato chip bags. I am so glad our genius of a POTUS spent 10 minutes explaining to me, that we have more air and less chips in the same size bag. Nothing gets by Joe Biden....
[quote]He's an old school liberal and the only candidate that might actually care about the avg American [/quote]How can anyone be that naive or stupid? He is a Kennedy. He cares about power, money, and his political ambitions. He doesn't give a frick if the average American has enough air. ...
[quote]He talks a big game, but everywhere I go, I read, "Never trust a Kennedy." Never understood that statement.[/quote]They are fricking scum. Camelot? More like the Gambinos. They had their sister lobotomized to make sure she didn't hurt their political careers. JFK was nothing special u...
[quote]I can't imagine that somebody watched her practice sessions and said "yeah, that sounds good, do it just like that"[/quote] I can. It's the Republican Party. Had a solid chance to nail Biden to the cross last night, and totally blew it. They should have hit him hard on: 1. Bidenomic...

re: Casual boots of the OT

Posted by Stone Cold Bob on 3/8/24 at 8:43 am
[quote]EV muscle car[/quote] :rotflmao: NO!...
I love the Honda owner ads. "It has 764,932 miles...BUT IT'S A HONDA." Yes, those overrated pieces of shite wear out too. Or another good one is, "highway miles". We used to laugh at that stupid shite when I was in the car business. Miles are miles. We had one used car manager that had bee...