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Registered on:2/12/2008
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[quote]What was it sent in?[/quote] Mine is a gift ordered from a company to be delivered to a relative. I doubt it's a reused box. It's not Ebay or anything like that. I'm currently on hold with USPS. The package has now been "in transit" to a facility for several days after having gone...
I ordered them last month in 16 ounces. ...
[quote]whatever "it" is, it's afflicting the denver processing center as well...i have a package that has been through and back to denver 3 times...[/quote] I think mine is about to return to Dallas for the 4th time. Surely it takes time to send these packages back and forth. Just deliver them! ...
[quote] i was told at my local post office that the BR processing center is receiving packages, then sending them off to multiple other locations because they claim that they're "too busy"...completely stupid...so eventually the packages come back to BR and either sit there for days, or if you're l...

re: Life and Choices

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/15/25 at 10:56 am
[quote]Okay, let's say that her family lives in the northeast and you are in that shithole of a frickign place, theoretically, because of her family. Let's also say that the humidity is "insufferable" to her. You are the breadwinner, and have the means to do whatever, but don't want to be a total arse...
[quote]i thought the implication was that it's so good that you can't stop eating until it's gone [/quote] Maybe so. :lol:...

re: Cold weather meals/soups

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/15/25 at 9:00 am
[quote] Ina Garten's beef bourguignon[/quote] I made this again last month. Just delicious and well worth the effort. I didn't serve it on bread, but we had some nice crusty toasted bread for dipping and Bob Evans mashed potatoes on the side for those who wanted the mashed. ...
Is it bad after one day? I’m confused ...

re: Kyren Lacy’s shot at the NFL

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/14/25 at 11:31 am
[quote]Lacy seemingly acts without concern for the consequences of his actions. [/quote] It sure looks that way from the outside looking in. Based on the reported facts, he had to see that he caused the accident. He had to know it was serious by looking at those vehicles. Don't know when he foun...
Lots of folks hesitate to call when 9 times out of 10, it works well unless the violation is egregious. ...
If this were my child, I'd call the number on the ticket and ask who I could speak with about the ticket. Due to his age, they might require speaking with him, but I'd tell them he's in high school. I'd probably also tell them he's losing some privileges due to the ticket. :lol:...
Not a lot of facts here, but it appears this is your son's ticket, correct? Do you know the circumstances for which the ticket was given? Most people will call the number on the ticket and ask about a reduction and/or a defensive driving course. All they can say is no. I believe in LA ...

re: Shipping king cakes

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/14/25 at 8:54 am
Since there are only two stores that are acceptable to you, I'm curious which ones they are. If you can still buy one at one of those stores, pick one up and head to the nearest UPS store and have it shipped. ...

re: Anybody go to a shrink?

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/13/25 at 11:38 am
No one is going to "heal" you from loss of a loved one, but a good counselor or a grief group can help navigate through the journey of loss and life without your loved one. ...

re: Cold weather meals/soups

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/13/25 at 9:56 am
Here's a soup thread that also has links to other soup threads. [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/food-and-drink/post-your-favorite-soup-recipe/46085070/)]LINK[/link]...

re: Cold weather meals/soups

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/13/25 at 9:54 am
This is a soup I posted about 10 years ago. I need to make it again. Also, we have a good soup thread that I'm trying to find. wanted to make a roasted broccoli soup with gruyere over the weekend for a starter to Sunday night dinner. Found the recipe below and used the ingredient list loosely. ...

re: Memorial Hospital after Katrina

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/13/25 at 9:51 am
[quote]I don't think she is anymore but was up until a few years ago.[/quote] Anna retired several years ago. ...

re: LSU MBB is dead

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/12/25 at 10:19 pm
[quote]No one cares. No one watches the games anymore. Thanks Woodward[/quote] I watch and there are people there watching. Have you not seen the games? ...

re: Crockett's Seafood Cheese

Posted by Gris Gris on 1/12/25 at 2:04 pm
i haven't found a lot of information on it. I found a place called Bayou Stuf sells it for $15 per 1/2 lb. Hope it has a lot of seafood in it for that price. [img]https://scontent-dfw5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/452156708_493042823275075_5767744231784878982_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg_tt6&_nc_cat=...