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Announce all the firings during his inauguration speech while their access is being revoked. ...
[quote]Trump doesn’t have much confidence in Chris Wray.[/quote] There's a picture of a bullet stream. No pictures of any kind of shrapnel on the ground or any kind of broken object it could have come from. At the end of the day it was still an assassination attempt. No matter what cut his ear A...
Brah...calm your tits...Trump already has my vote. No need to to keep showing me his pros. ...
[quote]Kamala was “never” border czar but Trump has “always” been with Project 2025[/quote] Really is a sad state of our national media. If trump wins he will need to work on getting that propaganda law obummer got overturned reinstated with a social media twist. ...
[quote]ANOTHER LIE: "Kamala Harris Makes False Claim About Trump September Debate"[/quote][quote]She means the black and white of it. Does that sound racist? They are.[/quote] Exclusive insider view of her debate prep... [img]https://c.tenor.com/PXl4grUYhA0AAAAM/van-tanned.gif[/img] ...
[quote]How about a law that removes politicians when they file unconstitutional laws?[/quote] Why would anything change when politicians don't abide by laws anyway?? The Dems illegally lax immigration laws allowing our nation to be invaded, while pushing talking points about repubs not passing a l...
[quote]Immigrants in France are fine...unless Paris is hosting the Olympics[/quote] Lefties are just evil garbage. They destroy and then complain about it, though they we're told multiple times where it'll end up. Just like Newsome. They say they couldn't do anything about the homeless and even...
They tried to counter the bubbling up of the blacks against Kamala with the haley voters for her deal. That has fallen flat since it's clearly fake especially with the one that has posts about voting for Obama in 08 and then excited about Biden so not a Reagan repub. This would all definitely we...
[quote]I guess it will be Kamala as the solid nominee after Obamas’ endorsement[/quote] She is essentially the defacto president right now and that's the scary part. Repybscneed to really keep asking where Biden is and why he is MIA. Focus on how shady AF the Dems are. I've heard this hoes voic...
I'm sure the girl didn't have her mind changed, but looks like the other 2 women weren't on that train with her. ...
[quote]Kamala: voting for her because she’s black gets destroyed[/quote] "We talkin about identity politics?! We dont need no IDENTITY POLITICS!" BTW - could'nt catch it...what community did he say was the only one obummer helped?...
[quote]Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court decides[/quote] Why would "[b]boneless[/b] wings" have bones in them? And will this provide legal cover for anyone suing over breaking a tooth on a bone eating "[b]boneless[/b] wings"?? I guess I'm confused with why...
Have you not heard about all the swimming ponds/lakes up in Canada being closed down because all of the Indians take dumps in them, and we/l everywhere they just feel like?? Disgusting people. Tip...Avoid shaking an Indians left hand as that's what they use to wipe. ...
[quote]We've reached the I cook collard greens phase of the election[/quote] Heels Up literally just threw out stereotypes she's heard real blacks talk about. She probably pooped in the shower like her ancestors do just anywhere the hop a squat ...
[quote]Parents should be able to vote for their children [/quote] It used to be the case where male landowners were only allowed to vote, but people fricked that up. Now we are seeing the consequences. The father, head of household would be the representative vote for his household. Which is the...
Let's not put it pass the lefties to set up some kind of faux attempt in Kamala to try to pull attention away from Trump's. ...
This msg can work with many peoples quotes on it. [link=(https://www.newsweek.com/jack-osbourne-voting-donald-trump-assassination-attempt-1929083)]Newsweek article on jack Osborne's reason for changing to Trump[/link] [quote]Now, Osbourne says he wants to vote for Trump because of how he hand...
[quote]ActBlue smurfing scandal starting to gain media attention. Will the FEC act?[/quote] What's an actual potential short term penalty for this if found to have merit by a court, if it ever gets there within a reasonable time? Freeze the money so it can't be used for campaigning? Democra...
[quote]Australia gets on the board again, 2 of their media peeps beaten up[/quote] Ha. Goodness....it would be awesome if someone capable of it could start a viral "touched by Frenched diversity" medal tally and just get so popular and watched worldwide it shames France forever. ...
[quote]Paris Olympics Crime and Shenanigans Category[/quote][quote]Up first we have video of Australian Cycle team looking at their broken into van and hunting down their stolen gear.[/quote] But but but they had rainbow flag marking on their bag....how could anyone do such a thing to an ally??? ...