Favorite team:Georgia 
Location:Sanford Stadium
Biography:Been a fan since the Goff years
Number of Posts:752
Registered on:1/9/2024
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Didn’t Trump say we’d be putting the worst in Gitmo?
I love the man, but frick him for this.
*tinfoil hat on* maybe he was allowed to win because the zionists need those recruitment numbers way up lol
C’mon dude it’s not difficult.
Not saying this is true, but Trump was shot In Pennsylvania…where Shapiro governs…
He can’t get a pardon from going to hell.

re: Chiefs 22 @ Eagles 40 Final

Posted by Sizzle_DAWG on 2/9/25 at 7:42 pm
I hope it’s Marilyn Manson next year. He’s old enough.

re: Chiefs 22 @ Eagles 40 Final

Posted by Sizzle_DAWG on 2/9/25 at 7:33 pm
His corpse has more talent than this festering garbage.

re: Chiefs 22 @ Eagles 40 Final

Posted by Sizzle_DAWG on 2/9/25 at 7:31 pm
Looks like my local Kroger

re: Chiefs 22 @ Eagles 40 Final

Posted by Sizzle_DAWG on 2/9/25 at 7:30 pm
This sucks

“Flokiduh bopiduh skrewww
Got my schoobidah chicken and waffle pooo”

Where the frick is Prince?

re: I’m open minded, but the

Posted by Sizzle_DAWG on 2/9/25 at 5:12 pm
It’s just so ironic to see the decals “stop racism” in the NFL.
Yea, ya know, the sport that is 80% played by black MILLIONAIRES lol
Dude, it’s a message board. Don’t be so autistic.
Make Commercials Great Again.
Went and watched some mid 90’s commercials on YouTube for a nostalgia kick and it’s fricking ridiculous the difference. Made me sad.
But the cuts in waste should offset what this administration will decide to prioritize in the budget, which is actually worth spending money on.
Do you even math, Roger Waters?
That’s not at all what I was suggesting. Obviously metal detectors/dogs with a semi para-military presence would suffice.
But undercover and armed air marshals would be far more effective at de-escalation on the plane than the TSA.
“Nazi” is basically the escalated allegation of “racist”. Simply put, you won the argument when that word is used.
Pretty sure that would’ve stopped the towel heads who were armed with nothing but box cutters on 9/11.
You even capable of critical thinking, Hill Jack?
Or do you just like those TSA guys slipping a finger in?
Well, I just hope he puts them away, otherwise their revenge at a later date will be even worse than ‘21-‘24.
Just staff 2-3 undercover Air Marshalls on every flight. Problem solved.