Favorite team:Syracuse 
Number of Posts:10
Registered on:8/25/2023
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Posted by UncleBabyBilly on 9/18/23 at 12:22 pm
After this week, it appears we have an answer to the longstanding debate over who the real UT is. The Vols are an aberration to college football and all fans should be castrated immediately. The Gators had their way with them the entire game and Milton looked confused and out of place half the game ...

UF (Real?) UT Preview

Posted by UncleBabyBilly on 9/12/23 at 1:31 pm
Vols favored by 7 with just above a 54% chance to win... Does Vegas know something us UF fans dont or is UT overrated? Crispy is a beta....
Sir, this is a Wendy's, please provide reasoning on a 3rd grade level as to why the (potentially) fake UT's opinion is correct....
Bruh Muschamp is part of the reason why we suck arse now… him and bitch boy Mullen couldnt put together a recruiting class to save their lives...
What if were all just alters in this a Vandy run simulation meant to make fun of the fake UT?...
This is a take I would expect from Stephen A. not someone one an SEC fan page... Auburn is years away from SEC relevancy ...
Anyone thinking Notre Dame is good after playing Navy is missing a chromosome or 10. This was like a walk through practice and required minimal effort. Let me know how they look after OSU......