Favorite team:Texas 
Location:Quahog, RI
Biography:Just a fat guy trying to make it in this crazy world.
Interests:Washing my underwear in the sink, PT Cruisers and Texas Sports
Occupation:Race Car Driver
Number of Posts:23
Registered on:7/14/2023
Online Status:Not Online

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Didn’t Vince Dooley go to Auburn? [quote]Darrell Royal (the most famous and successful coach in the Ding-Dong Moo Moo's athletic history with his name all over their stadium). Imagine....Texas owes its success to an....OU alumnus! [/quote]...
I believe this may be OU’s most famous alumnus. If you know, you know. [img]https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/kFccPNPddWXpnnVGkxo1CNKWfeg.jpg[/img] ...
Bumping as the dynamics have changed considerably in the last week. How do we rank SEC programs now?...
In! [img]https://static01.nyt.com/images/2009/01/06/sports/06fiesta.600.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp[/img]...
Oh yes, 2021, week 2, the Apex Mountain of Sam “Bitch Tits” Pittman’s career. I am sure it was “borderline erotic” for you and the rest of the Arkansas faithful. Will Bitch Tits still be employed when we return to your NWA sewer in November of 2024?...

re: Shaggy Bevo and Landthieves

Posted by Peter Ferrari on 12/21/23 at 9:44 pm
Those statues were offensively awful. [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/GnmgHDHZNYYaeKo6ysNwkrKxNsQ=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/9557971/CoCOpColt.jpg[/img]...
Laugh if you like, but Arthur Blank gave $20 Million to Texas in support for speech pathology, which is interesting b/c Blank has never stepped foot on that campus. What's the connection? Steve Sarkisian. https://giving.utexas.edu/speaking-from-the-heart/...
Texas fan, here's my list. 1) Georgia - Two straight nattys is outstanding, best program in America the last 3 years and Kirby is young enough to keep it going for a while. 2) Alabama - Speaks for itself 3) Oklahoma - I put OU over Texas, they beat us this year and OU will be just fine in t...
As a future SEC member, I remember going to the Sugar Bowl and beating that Georgia arse in our most recent game. Does that count?...

re: To my Texas friends

Posted by Peter Ferrari on 10/1/23 at 5:57 pm
Since Mack Brown arrived in 1998 (Stoops was hired in '99), Oklahoma is up 16-9 in the series. ...
“It stings the nostrils. In a bad way. Auburn, I'm gonna be honest with you, your team smells like pure gasoline."...
App State says “frick you, PAY ME, Aggy!”...
We’re been shite for years, we’re not really in a position to gloat. We just know how to spell gloat, which puts us ahead of Aggy and the cousin frickers in Methlahoma and Fayette-nam....
We’ve been wondering the desert for almost 15 years now, so the honest truth is that every Texas fan is playing his/her own version of Charlie Brown and just waiting for Lucy to jerk the ball back right as Charlie’s about to make contact. This is how bad it is for us, losing to Kansas would be le...
The Case McCoy “Herp Derp” scramble to set the FG up is my favorite play ever by a bad player at Texas....

re: Crazy Alabama Stat

Posted by Peter Ferrari on 9/11/23 at 9:44 pm
A&M didn’t win the title but hey, Manziel got the Heisman and that’s enough for college station....
Again, no honest/real Texas fan thinks we blow out Rice, much less Alabama and frankly, 99% of the Texas fan base doesn’t think we beat Alabama at all. Hope is great, but reality is reality....
Brutally frank, after13 seaons of despair, no Texas fan believes we win this game, much less blow anyone out. Hell, we’re not going to blow Rice out, much less Alabama....
For being a public ivy, Cal is the dumbest school in the world. Remember as you read this, they were fricked while the Pac-12 existed, now imagine the level of fricked without that Pac-12 TV check. [link=(https://deadspin.com/cal-is-fricked-because-of-its-stupid-stadium-deal-1795896858)]Cal is Fu...