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Registered on:6/3/2023
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You know for years there were little underground groups of trannies that hung out with like minded people at clubs in inner cities and banged each other at house parties and while us normal people weren't super comfortable with it. It existed in relative peace. I swear it's just a matter of time bef
So you don't think margin of victory counts?
2019 auburn should be 2nd then. 2019 texas like 4th or 5th even though they lost like 5 games that season
Well they're incredibly unlikeable. That's why I asked

White liberals are the only know group of people on earth who are actively cheering on their own genocide

Im rooting for that
I legitimately hope something bad happens to them

re: Good game OU

Posted by Themicah86 on 2/8/25 at 2:17 pm

No trophies at UTk.

Well there's 1 trophy
You just have to understand that radical democrats want the world to burn. Once you realize that it becomes much easier to understand.Trump could suggest people drink water and alyssa millano, robert deniro, jimmy kimmell etc. would suggest he wants us all to drown. frick em. They had their time and

re: SEC baseball linear TV schedule

Posted by Themicah86 on 2/7/25 at 8:48 am

It sucks that ESPN would rather broadcast college women's sports that nobody is interested in rather than broadcast college baseball, which is a really underrated sport.

Its espn, have you seen how hard they are trying to convince the world that the WNBA isnt absolute garbage for
Agreed, the fact that they discontinued that game after 1 season but they continue to make half the games they do blows my mind. I guess i dont represent the majority of gamers but damn that was a cool game to play against your friends on ps2 while i was in college.

Commies are deluded into thinking they are fighting against literal nazi's

Which is quite ironic because they were literally harassing and trying to prevent jews from attending university's just a few months ago.

Not only Fauxchantas and her ilk, but that horibble Nancy Pelosi!!!

All of them. Including the eyepatch guy from Texas. I know a ton of people that make low 6 figures and unless their parent were rich, they aren't millionaires
If they're that great and we're prospering from them, then why the hell is mexico not killing it? Why would you possibly need to leave in masses and western union your money back home? I certainly have no intention of illegally entering Haiti and getting an under the table paying job so I can send m
I want trump to call out all these senators to justify their wealth

"a want" - i shoulda put it in quotes for the newbies

Poster from way back

Is this a very inside joke kind of thing? I frequent this board and have no idea what you're trying to say. If this thread is on the verge of getting deleted due to a random poster that hadnt posted in aw
Fvck it. I'll say it. The world would immediately be a better place if every single one of those teenagers got killed. fricking immediately.

re: Daniel Penny is doing alright

Posted by Themicah86 on 1/30/25 at 3:26 pm

She looks great all made up. I’d want to see a no make up pic first.

"Yea, she's hot now, but what if she was on her period or just got done taking a shite while you were in the bathroom with her" - mid Iowa tiger