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Registered on:1/5/2023
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[quote]wear masks or other disguises,[/quote] Weren't you literally here 3 days ago saying "rEaL PatRiOtS dOnT WeAr MaSks" Wasn't that your exact excuse for fed jacketing patriot front?? ...
[quote]"obstruct and create chaos"[/quote] It's literally the safest it's been in 3 years....
They have no idea the leaps and bounds made in robotics and automation over the last few years. They may get a contract, but it will likely be their last....
Maybe he shouldn't have voted against the censure of Adam schiff...
Because when they try to organize, every one of their fellow citizens thinks it's a fed entrapment operation....
Again, im not saying feds wont attempt to infiltrate and subvert, but This isn't PFs MO. They will never illegally demonstrate. Always legal always peaceful. It's a show of organization. Besides, PF has higher standards of recruitment than whatever this was. How sad is it that we can't even commu...
[quote]Grappling?[/quote] [link=(https://patriotfront.us/training-assembly/)]yes.. grappling[/link]...
According to texas state law enforcement: Theyre trackable via welfare and gov phones. The plan is to empower local law enforcement and utilize routine traffic stops to enforce trespassing, and work with the fed to organize their deportation. Problem is the hardened criminals will blend into the woo...
[quote]This is a Judeo-Christian nation[/quote] Mostly just judeo at this point. ...
[quote]Know how I know they're feds? Not one fat dude in the bunch. They're all field trained and PT'd. [/quote] Dumb and obviously you know nothing about the group which you speak. They have fitness standards and fat arses like you couldnt join if you tried. Why would the fed promote healthy act...
[quote]Because any true Patriot would never wear a mask.[/quote] God yall are insufferable. I can't help but notice your posting on an ANONYMOUS ACCOUNT you effing retard Were the IRA in Ireland feds for hiding their identities for decades from a far stronger ally. Were the French resistance...
[quote]This is the fed-siest of the fed operations[/quote] Oh yes the fed def promotes grassroots nationalist groups and encourages their members to maintain fitness standards and helps train them in various martial arts and grappling. They totally show up to disaster events that the gov won't to...
[link=(https://twitter.com/9mm_smg/status/1749083134778282181?s=20)]X post with supporting evidence. [/link] [link=(https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2022/jun/12/sheriffs-office-releases-names-of-31-patriot-front/)]Dox List[/link] notice how not one is a fed. What a chud. Your keyboard isn't ...
[quote]Someone should seriously put some of those apple tracking devices on their vehicles.... is that legal? Maybe, a secret court order. It would be fun seeing them tracked to FBI parking lots[/quote] OMG the FBI illegally qnd secretivily spies on political opposition and grassroots movements!!...

re: Douglas MacGregor speaking truth

Posted by TigerEyeGuy on 1/21/24 at 2:45 pm
Right but it seems like you're conflating Israel and jews. They are not interchangeable. In fact, spiritual Israel is given to jews and Gentiles alike born again in Jesus christ. Not even mentioning the khazarian usurpers revelations 3:9 and 2:9 mentions(which is literally the only times in the book...

re: Douglas MacGregor speaking truth

Posted by TigerEyeGuy on 1/21/24 at 2:42 pm
[quote]Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem[/quote] Jesus christ himself literally uttered a prophetic curse on Jerusalem. That was fulfilled in 70AD. One generation later exactly as he said. I won't pray for peace in Jerusalem as they spit on Christians, worship false idols and murder innocents....
"Any group that organizes against tyranny is the government"... what a black pill. With that attitude we deserve what we get. You should research the group and their mission. They've done alot of volunteer and disaster work where the fed has failed. ...

re: Douglas MacGregor speaking truth

Posted by TigerEyeGuy on 1/19/24 at 8:55 pm
[quote]Armageddon baby. The enemies of Israel arrayed against them. Biblical Prophecy unfurling before our eyes.[/quote] The Israel of God is not modern day political israel. FWiW.. ...

re: Douglas MacGregor speaking truth

Posted by TigerEyeGuy on 1/19/24 at 6:15 pm
[quote]good luck to the israelis if turkey gets involved. that country produces their own fighter jets. they aint no rag tag militant group[/quote] Largest standing army in the region, #1 manufacturer of drones and UAVs in the world, 97% muslim population. If war breaks out in ME, turkey ain't wi...