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Location:Baton Rouge
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Registered on:12/2/2007
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Every single one of these fricktards should be in an asylum....
Some states have a deadline for a candidate to make the November ballot. There are exceptions for death/25th amendment. I am curious how those states would treat the replacement with him dropping out but not leaving office. ...

re: Ever heard of Frank Luntz?

Posted by mark65mc on 7/19/24 at 7:15 am
[quote]He actually suggested Mitch Landrieu[/quote] I can hear Trump now: “Everybody calls him Mitch the Bitch. I don’t call him that but everybody else does. “...
frick this a-hole with Big Mike’s dick. ...
[quote]saw someone on here once say something to the effect that Trump's supporters embrace the essence of what he is saying and overlook the words, whole his detractors can't see past the words and miss the message entirely, and it's probably one of the most accurate observations of the last decade...
[quote] Isn't that that dude that sings kinda like Robert Plant?[/quote] I thought it was Hairy Potter. ...
[quote]hillbitch being the vp[/quote] If so, Kamala would be on the JFK succession plan. ...
[quote] sacrificial lamb, then they'll make sure she's well taken care of after she loses[/quote] If/When they invoke the 25th, she'll get to claim being the first woman President. Suck it Hillary....
[quote] One pipe burst at 2am on election night and none of that matters[/quote] How are pipes engineered to only bust during hard freezes and election night? ...
She takes inspiration from Kamala. ...
[quote]Doesn't the IRS do that every April?[/quote] This....
A real life ghoul. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/d1zqWfBB/IMG-7957.png[/img]...
[quote]acknowledged as a freak in the continuity.[/quote] As all trans individuals should be....
Wait till you find out about Birdo in SMB2 From the manual: [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FucroqdWAAAd6wR.jpg[/img]...
[quote]LA corrupt politics[/quote] [quote] Gayle Benson is mental.[/quote] Both can be true....
[quote]don't care about pronouns and generally take a "live and let live" approach to things. But can anyone explain to me what this means. Sometimes she feels like a female and sometimes she feels like multiple females?[/quote] It’s her and her demons. ...

re: Doomsday Glacier

Posted by mark65mc on 5/21/24 at 7:25 am
Have Barry and Big Mike put their beach house on sale yet? No? ...

re: Best metal gear game?

Posted by mark65mc on 5/20/24 at 1:38 pm
Snake Eater is my favorite. I am looking forward to the next gen remake. The best NPC is Quiet from MGS5 :pimp: [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fd3%2F04%2Fae%2Fd304aeec0ce6bf70d90fc0677fedad74.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=302e3df597202a86c697d...