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Registered on:10/1/2022
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re: Sir Manning is Coming

Posted by Lolathon234 on 1/30/25 at 1:00 pm
Ya, good luck to anyone counting on him being a bust. Per PFF advanced metrics, he was arguably the best QB in CFB this past season as a freshman

re: Betting on Sports

Posted by Lolathon234 on 1/30/25 at 6:15 am
I think it's doable, but you really have to know the intracies of every team. And the problem is 99% of bettors are completely ignorant and merely think they understand wtf is going on

E.g. Betting props on Xavier worthy or Jordan Addison based on opponent zone% and if they have 2 corners + NB/FS
Yet noone seemed to care for ~50 years. But let's be real, anyone actually choosing sides on the topic is a fool and took the bait aka political rhetoric. Your bureaucrats aren't pro-life, they simply want it banned because doing so will stimulate birth rates, which is something on the bipartisan na
1. Dabo
2. Kirby
3. Sark

These 3 stand alone in that they've demonstrated the ability to either build a program from the ground up or elevate one to a level it hadn't been at in decades. The jury is still out on Brian Kelly, he's never done it at a true P5 school, and no Notre Dame where you ge
Hope this was a typo and you meant 5,4. Either way, wtf is happening on 1's forehead
Need to expel whoever put that list together, it's a bigger embarassment than anything on it
#1 is terrible, others aren't bad. #4 has to be caught, that's a good ball vs tight coverage
This was well known, not much else to do in Athens, GA I guess

Beck is clearly a drug addict and Bennett was/is an alcoholic, not sure about Stockton
Just goes to show no one gives a shite about these teams. I’d rather watch a filibuster on C-SPAN than tune into an Auburn-Tennessee basketball game

re: SEC only .500 in league play

Posted by Lolathon234 on 1/28/25 at 2:13 pm

It’s hard to win any game

Well there’s a guaranteed winner in every game, so not really

re: I'll give DeBoer one thing

Posted by Lolathon234 on 1/28/25 at 1:32 pm
Yikes, he could do better
No doubt, nothing more motivating than trying to get out of that shithole
Wants fans of both teams to buy his merch, nothing less, nothing more
You people are so full of shite. Hunter was 50-1 preseason. The real answer is Ricky Williams 1998
Get his arse beat every time the Eagles actually try? Ya sure, print the cups :bow:
Jesus 47 looks like he's on the brink of death
Jesus 47 just 100% got concussed again, yikes