Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:218
Registered on:11/29/2007
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It's based on the lack of eligibility of the players. If LSU main campus runs out of money, no one will be able to attend classes. Ergo, the players would not be academically eligible. He's not using football as saying he'll take it away, he's showing the detrimental effects that failing to fund the...

re: 2014/2015 Winter Transfer Thread

Posted by nolatiger88 on 9/11/14 at 8:14 pm
[quote]You must be a new fan. Don't get me wrong, I love what has happened to Manchester United the past year. But it feels wrong. I still completely despise them, but the luster of the rivalry has begun to disappear. Maybe it was inevitable, but it just won't be the same playing a club whose player...

re: 2014/2015 Winter Transfer Thread

Posted by nolatiger88 on 9/6/14 at 12:14 pm
All the LVG is destroying the club's identity is ridiculous. The club's identity is winning and youth. The youth who were loaned out or moved have a longer shot. The guys who were sold were not qualified to play for United, as no one disagrees with. Winning...we'll see....
Di Maria's play on the wing is just mesmerizing. I hope that we move to a 4-3-3 somehow. Man this team could be sooooo good....
If Falcao works out I wouldn't be surprised to see RVP on his way out down the line. Even though he's Dutch, Van Gaal is bound to get frustrated if the lack of form continues after the surgery....
Can only manage another signing if there is something in the works that the trigger has been ready to be pulled on. Something like Fellaini last year where we just had to meet the money and agree. I think our only real shot is going to be someone like De Jong. Not sure about these Moutinho rumors. W...
Has to be directly related to RVP. How the hell do we line up in a 3-5-2 if everyone is healthy?...
I'm hoping that we can bring in a CM and CB with him, but how can you not get excited about Falcao! ...
They desperately need a controlling central mid. Herrera coming back will help but another force to play defensively with him in the midfield would be amazing. It really pains me that our wing play is run by Valencia and freaking Young. Every time Young yells at someone I can't help but find the hyp...
If this team can convert to an attacking 4-3-3 they will be dangerous. Love Di Maria so far, but that back line is just SOOOO bad....
[quote]I understand.. But I haven't heard a contract has agreed with between united and Vidal. I understand it might not happen but better than the rumors from a week or two ago that the deal was dead in the water[/quote] Yea but that agreement has allegedly been in place all summer. Juve has alw...
At this point I'm numb to Vidal rumors. Will make the deadline either really exciting or expected in terms of Vidal. He is exactly what the club needs, but if they are that worried about his knee so as not to pay then that scares the hell out of me....

re: Match Day 8/24

Posted by nolatiger88 on 8/24/14 at 11:27 am
Is Januzaj playing CM? Kind of an interesting tactic....
[quote]I get your point, and we've gotta stay true to the narrative, but… [/quote] No doubt he was a good signing, but at the time we were considered to have overpaid to a rival who basically needed to sell him. Either way, getting three good guys with so many glaring needs just makes my head h...
That's assuming Woodward can work out a deal. Nothing he has done in the past year has given me confidence that he can close a big deal....
I like this style. Need to get a Blind or De Vrij type who has played the back line of the system. Mata and Herrera look like they will work really well together so far. Would really like to see another CM as well because I just can't see Fletcher doing the job all season....
Is there any local television station (Louisiana) that the game will be shown on tonight? Trying to figure out how to watch it since I can't get MUTV....
I don't think that they sign Herrera and start someone over him. He'll start it's just a matter of where....
Looks like we really need to make another CM signing to start the season with Carrick on the bench. Hopefully they put something together....
I would be shocked if they don't follow the trend and make Welter the starter at the beginning of the season. That's been how they've played it for a few years with returning seniors. Still think he becomes rotational toward the end of the season....