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[quote]UGA speeding has already claimed 2 bodies….[/quote] False. No UGA football player has been charged in any way in any fatality under Kirby Smart. A UGA football player was killed by a non-student who got drunk and crashed her car. We've corrected you about this falsehood many times...
Umm... Hal Mumme was running the spread at UK in 1997. I'm not even sure he was first in the conference....

re: Top Three Defenses in the SEC

Posted by DawginSC on 7/25/24 at 10:23 pm
Returning production is great when it's from a strong unit. It's less predictive when it's from a poor unit. From that chart, LSU has the worst case scenario. Last season their defense was horrible and their offense was incredible... but they return more of their defense than their offense. ...
[quote]Thankfully voters don't have to wade through all of that and simply vote for Trump based on the simple fact that Kamala is unserious and borderline retarded.[/quote] I don't know... she at least is smart enough to either write sensical releases or hire people who are capable of writing sen...
[quote]Don’t debate. Nothing to gain and everything to lose.[/quote] I don't think Harris wants a debate. Trump refusing to do so would be the best thing for her as she can call him out of ducking it while really being happy it didn't happen. Harris's plan is to focus the election on Trump......
That is a really poorly written statement. It's clear he's attacking Harris, but it's not clear what he's trying to say. Is Trump claiming that Obama thinks Harris is a Marxist and a fraud? Or that she's a fraudulent Marxist and he'd prefer a real one? Because I'm pretty sure Trump has calle...
Probably not. I wouldn't hire Trump to run a Taco Bell either. I would hire Harris to prosecute criminals. I'd hire Trump to advise on real estate investments and bankruptcy proceedings. ...
[quote]Is Kamala black? Just a yes or no answer will suffice. Because she's being called "black".[/quote] Yes. She's a black woman of mixed Jamaican and indian ethnicity. In other news, Obama is a black man of mixed Kenyan and British ethnicity. Zoe Saldana is a black woman of mixed ...

re: Job Growth June YOY

Posted by DawginSC on 7/24/24 at 8:31 pm
[quote] A global pandemic really skews those numbers doesn't it?[/quote] When it gets handled poorly, yes....
[quote]Like X or social? Same format?[/quote] According to google: "Gab is an American alt-tech microblogging and social networking service known for its far-right userbase."...

re: Job Growth June YOY

Posted by DawginSC on 7/24/24 at 8:27 pm
Do you realize that for his four years in office, the US was negative in non-farm job growth under Donald Trump right? Biden has the second highest yearly average of any president since they started measuring (behind only FDR). Trump has the worst. Just wondering in case you thought these n...
God will hear you you if you talk to him directly. I doubt he reads message board posts though....
[quote]People who cut off family only because of politics are dumbasses.[/quote] Roseanne has been acting batshit crazy for a while now. If you are insane and do shite to piss off your family, your family eventually will cut ties. While SHE thinks it's because of politics, it's likely becaus...
[quote]Wasn't too hot or too sloped for the shooter.[/quote] Well, he was committing suicide by cop. I don't think he cared about his long term well being all that much. That being said, whatever cop said "Nah, too hot." after being ordered to take a position for the security of an ex-preside...
What does Roy Cooper mean in your mind? I see him as the likely choice. His term as governor of NC ends with this election, so the democrats lose nothing by him being on the ticket. He's friends with Harris back from when both were AG's at the same time. He's in a swing state (NC, which ...

re: Is Biden the worst president ever?

Posted by DawginSC on 7/24/24 at 3:35 pm
[quote]Yeah. I'm sure these polls are completely unbiased.[/quote] Well, of course not. A ranking on something as nebulous as "how good was the president" is by definition an opinion poll. And opinions are going to be biased. The best you can do is take the bias of people who are viewed as...
Is being a person of mixed ethnicity really that complicated? I though all this was figured out with Obama. Was that too far in the past?...

re: Diversity Leads to Tribalism

Posted by DawginSC on 7/24/24 at 3:09 pm
[quote]Webster's dictionary defines merit as character or conduct deserving reward, honor, or esteem. Sneaking across the border in blatant defiance of U.S. immigration laws makes one a criminal not meritous.[/quote] Eh, finding work and earning money at a job to support your family is worthy of ...

re: Is Biden the worst president ever?

Posted by DawginSC on 7/24/24 at 3:03 pm
[quote]KJP continues to tell us all the things he has done: more done in one term than most presidents do in two terms…. What has he done? Is he worst than Jimmy Carter?[/quote] According to the latest ranking by presidential historians, Trump is the worst president ever. Biden was 14th. ...
I don't see any real interest in Newsome as VP even if it were allowed (which as you pointed out, it's not). Though if Harris really wanted to, she could change her address like Cheney did when he said he was living in Wyoming rather than Texas. Newsome couldn't, but Harris could say she's a DC ...