Favorite team:Tennessee 
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Registered on:3/2/2022
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Seems like a good man and a Christian. Good for him he went out and earned it. ...

re: Missouri 2024 Football Schedule

Posted by GreatPumpkin on 7/26/24 at 3:06 pm
This would be one of the rare SEC schedules where going 9-3 wouldn’t make you deserving to be in the playoffs ...
[quote]The 2 Best Teams played for the championship. Talent was equal but Saban/Kirby/Sharkfricker out coached the frick out of Miles/Stud/Chavis. It was literally Chess vs Checkers shite that night.[/quote] Chavis did his part that night. Even in that era 21 wasn’t too much to give up ...
[quote] to talk shite to one of the winningest programs in history.[/quote] OU is a great program. But don’t pretend that the majority of your league competition is anything close to what Tennessee has played historically...
[quote]His offense was more pro style. Then again the guy just loves scheming up some shite and calling his plays. Whatever advantage he felt he had, he was going to exploit it in the best ways possible.[/quote] How do you define the Spread? I definite it by WR spacing and frequency of 10 and 11 pers...
[quote]He said that Bowden was one of the, if not the , most vulgar HC he ever heard on the field. Bowden would walk right up to him stare out at the filed & curse like a drunken sailor...at one of the refs on the field. Hiding his language from anyone in the stands. None of this is a surprise.[/quo...
[quote]Get an animal DT or NT to blow up the OL and Chip Kelly's offense is nothing special at all.[/quote] no offense is special when it’s getting blown up at the line of scrimmage. That’s how football works ...
Isn’t that what Witches do ?...
Florida’s Gator Bait gives me PTSD. Dixie was glorious if only Ole Miss didn’t give in. LSU’s is cool and way better than Clemson. Rocky Top is great when the crowd really lets it go and it’s literally talking about killing Feds. Georgia would be cool if it wasn’t a Yankee marching song. A&M’s is go...
[quote]Oh yeah, I forgot about the Fun and Gun [/quote] it wasn’t fun for us ...
I wish this was true. Spurrier fricked us for a decade with a variant of the spread ...
It’d be nice to see them crater like the tranny beer did ...
[quote]No, not firing him earlier screwed us. Mike Hamilton passing hiring Gary Patterson and hiring Lane Kiffin is what really screwed UT. Brian Kelly, who wanted the job, would have been better than Kiffin.[/quote] Fulmer actually made the necessary change. Dave Clawson was an excellent hire a...
[quote]That is really funny coming from a UT fan[/quote] I think that went over your head ...
[quote]Way too much recency bias. Quarterbacks back in the day weren't required to do nearly as much. Go back and look at the stat lines from national championship quarterbacks 50 or 60 years. [/quote] I agree. Offensive philosophy wasn’t half as developed either. Up until 20 years ago tons of teams...
There’s a fine line between not enough thugs to compete and too many that end up costing you. They’ve managed it so far…...
They’ve really managed to frick up something good over the last 10 years ...