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Location:Everything is rigged
Interests:Trump, rigging, and things that are rigged
Number of Posts:223
Registered on:11/17/2021
Online Status:Not Online

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That looks really bad. The only thing worse is the U.S. Attorney who actually gave Epstein the sweetheart plea deal: "The Justice Department’s internal disciplinary arm concluded that then-U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta exhibited “poor judgment” but not “professional misconduct” in approving a ...

re: If you take classified material

Posted by tigerpoboy on 8/9/22 at 10:43 am
He knew the rules. ...
[quote]They're lying. It's what they do.[/quote] That is what they do....

re: Where is Ted and Rand?

Posted by tigerpoboy on 8/9/22 at 7:10 am
Checking their Twitter mentions. Figuring out how to fund raise off this....
[quote]Seriously, what kind of "topic" is so sensitive that the topic itself cannot even be described?[/quote] Aliens doing butt stuff....

re: FBI currently raiding Mar a Lago

Posted by tigerpoboy on 8/8/22 at 10:53 pm
[quote]Just think about what they planted[/quote] This! They. It's what they do. Planted bigly evidence to make it look like our guy did something, but what about her emails? I don't see the FBI getting involved in that. Rigged....
[quote]They rigged the last election they will rig this one if they need to.[/quote] Exactly, all previous rigging will pale in comparison to the bigliest rigging that is about to be rigged, and everyone knows it. ...
[quote]Could be actors. No telling how long they’ve been cooking this up.[/quote] Obviously, everything is rigged, these are crisis actors and everyone knows it. ...
The FBI is rigged and everyone knows it. They threw Hillary under the bus with the Weiner laptop 12 days before the election just to cover their tracks. It's plain as day and everyone can see it. How dumb to they think we are?...
Rigged! The FBI is obviously planting classified documents to they can pin in on Trump. Just because they had to send the National Archives over there to remove 15 boxes of document, they think they have free rein to do whatever they want. Why come they aren't looking for her emails is what I want t...
[quote]If your fashion sense resides in that sweet spot between the sophistication of Affliction t-shirts and the jingoistic flag-humping of a Jon McNaughton painting you may have already encountered “Lions Not Sheep.”[/quote] It's funny cuz it's true. ...
Bikers for Trump did something similar, although they weren't being deceptive. They were just hawking their made in Haiti merch. When the leader was asked he was like, well it's too expensive to make it here. This is true, and it's Obama's fault. ...
[quote]Trump was a millionaire by age eight, borrowed at least $60 million from his father, largely failed to repay those loans, and received another $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's company.[/quote] This is fake news, try to stay on topic. Changing the subject is what dems...

re: Will the DOJ Indict Trump soon?

Posted by tigerpoboy on 8/8/22 at 10:29 am
[quote]It's pretty clear now that their plan is to keep him under constant investigation and threat of indictment as a major obstacle to him seeking another term.[/quote] Doing a Benghazi, smart. ...
“USCP’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) determined the officer’s conduct was lawful and within Department policy"...