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"... it's just that so much of what they know isn't so!"
- Ronald Reagan.

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We have a fundamental, down to the basic building blocks level misunderstanding of what government is supposed to be. This lady in the tiktok can't gr
I think Rush would feel many emotions, have many thoughts, but in particular he'd say this was inevitable and was glad it happened. And seemingly so quickly too.

I have to wonder if even Rush would have foreseen such a fast pivot though. I think to some extent, Trump was trying to appease the Es
"White supremacy" is the "most dangerous terrorist threat"

- Joe Biden
"Large scale social deception" doesn't mean what you think it means. Only MAGA rubes would read into that something so nefarious as large scale social deception to mean literally what it sounds like it does."

- Fed bureaucratic wanker.

"He can't keep getting away with it!"

- Deep State

Look at how both sides protest.

The right for freedom, the left for tyranny.

TEA party was subverted & co-opted by big establishment GOP types that meant to control & ultimately destroy a movement because it was a threat to their power.

Then comes along Trump’s MAGA brand. Only he can’t be
Hopefully the universe will unfold as it should. Trump just revoked FJB's clearance and daily briefing privileges,. so who knows.


whether he’s still around Trump or not.

I want to believe it. Dude went to prison for Trump, or at least on principle, and publicly hasn't really gotten much more than a mention from Trump.

Trump loves himself some loyalty, and I don't know if there's one any more loyal than Ba
Swipe right and if there's a connection, and they realize you're MAGA, just straight up say you want to nail 'em anyways.

I bet there's more than 1 taker.
Drag shows "targeting our youth". is key.

Watch how the MSM / Dems will claim how he's trying to erase trans or some such.
I think the Chiklis movie messed with my mind then, because I have a Mandela Effect memory of her being black in the comics, which would have been around the mid 70's. :dunno:


Seriously, you did not know? Scott is our favorite gay patriot, lol.


I know. OUR Gays are the best gays!
I have to ask, but when did they race swap Alicia?? I swear, as a kid, I remember her as being black. I know she was portrayed that way in the 2000's movies, but I thought there was a run where she was a smokin' hot black chick. Blind, sculptor, smart and very self sufficient, which all played into
Mother of all battles vibes.

Was she ever censured for her violent rhetoric again Trump 1.0 appointees & staffers??

I think not. Thus she’s allowed to do this shite.