Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Number of Posts:3658
Registered on:8/11/2021
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Since 1975, A&M holds winning record over donghorn. Y’all do hold the record for the most number of Dildo Parades since the beginning of time. Congrats on a record that will never be broken!...
[quote]Sorry, try having a winning record in your own home stadium against us first and then maybe we’ll give yall more respect[/quote] As usual, you are wrong again. Since 1975, my lifetime, A&M has won more games against the donghorns in Kyle Field. You really should google stuff before you...
You bring up something that happened 50 years ago to Fred Trump and trying to make a case that Donald Trump is somehow responsible for it? That’s a special kind of stupid there....

re: Texas Snowflakes

Posted by Buster83 on 7/18/24 at 1:49 pm
[quote]broke you as bad as we did[/quote] Only thing broke around here is you xwing/…/archie. You have been banned from this site 4 times and you keep coming back. That is both broke and pathetic....
[quote]I know you won't answer[/quote] [quote]Why won't you answer my question [/quote] [quote]this is some rich irony[/quote] pooooor xwing/.../archie He sounds like a child crying because he isn't getting his way. [img]https://i.imgur.com/WTxyveN.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.c...
[quote]Why do you keep asking about this stuff when google is free?[/quote] I would rather find out the facts through someone who has experienced it. :lol: You have been dodging the same questions through[b] five[/b] different alter accounts. :rotflmao: You are so ignorant that you can't ev...
what the hell xwing/.../archie? You did not answer any of the questions about the Pole Assassin! You haven't answered any of my questions about the MasculinUT program. Does dildo U have a FemininUT program as well? If not, why not? You won't admit that you are in any of the pictures of the Great...
We were kicking your arse on a regular basis before Schloss came along. Good luck with him. I guess he is going to be the savior of dildo baseball just like Charlie Strong and Tom Herman were for football. Oh wait... :lol: What's it like to have a coach who is married to a stripper with a pet ...
A&M vs dildo U in baseball since A&M joined the SEC : 9-5 [img]https://i.imgur.com/sgJNEzl.jpg[/img] poooor xwing/.../archie at least you didn't disappear this time when A&M knocked y'all out of the CWS. Good luck with Schloss :rotflmao:...

re: No penalty for horns down

Posted by Buster83 on 7/17/24 at 8:57 am
[quote] Most of us are pretty relieved over this news[/quote] Not too sure about this guy [img]https://i.imgur.com/TNaINZ3.jpg[/img] :rotflmao:...

re: No penalty for horns down

Posted by Buster83 on 7/16/24 at 2:42 pm
Your thread title and what the man said are very different things...
it is a lot better than this [img]https://i.imgur.com/8tudnAz.jpg[/img]...

re: Here is your daily Aggie cringe.

Posted by Buster83 on 7/15/24 at 3:02 pm
[quote]Too bad the guy responsible let America know how much of a stepping stone Texas A&M is by telling everyone he couldn't wait to get out of there fast enough [/quote] One of the greatest advantages of hiring a great coach is that most of his best players follow him to his new job. So tell us...

re: Here is your daily Aggie cringe.

Posted by Buster83 on 7/15/24 at 1:40 pm
[quote]Texas a&m and lavender graduation [/quote] That's some special kind of stupid there. Trying to make fun of A&M and Lavender Graduation when dildo U and virtually every other university in the US does the exact same thing! [img]https://minio.la.utexas.edu/colaweb-prod/event_images/4...

re: Here is your daily Aggie cringe.

Posted by Buster83 on 7/15/24 at 11:09 am
I know I have asked you this before but never really got an explanation. What is this all about? [img]https://i.imgur.com/tLj3G4J.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/2o2Eaa3.jpg[/img] Are the men at donghorn U trying to be like women? Do they not understand what masculinity is? Are they tryi...

re: Here is your daily Aggie cringe.

Posted by Buster83 on 7/15/24 at 9:51 am
Those aren't Aggies holding dildos in that picture. You still haven't answered my question. Not to mention, you didn't even deny you are xwing. pooor xwing/.../archie. just not that bright. [img]https://i.imgur.com/V0LHxmV.gif[/img] :lol: :rotflmao: :doublebird:...

re: Here is your daily Aggie cringe.

Posted by Buster83 on 7/15/24 at 8:38 am
Poor xwing, on his 5th alter and still gets no respect from the rant. Xwing /Rancho /shaveshisbush /kenny /Archie is just too long to keep repeating. I am just going to shorten it to xwing/.../Archie. Saves everyone a bunch of typing. Here is your favorite picture from the Great Dildo Parade...

re: Here is your daily Aggie cringe.

Posted by Buster83 on 7/15/24 at 8:25 am
Nobody and I mean nobody gets more jimmies rustled on the rant than the Aggie Yell Leaders! Y'all sound like a bunch of closet homo's who are afraid to come out of the closet. Especially the LoSerU fans. [img]https://i.imgur.com/UOBEYLO.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tvwTfIS.jpg[/img] ...